18 | finding the one

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thalia's POV

there was only 6 more days until the contest. most of the students of Devin Performing Arts signed up and have been practicing non-stop. there would always be students practicing during lunch, before school and after school. everyone wanted the opportunity to be a part of the music video that could start their career in singing.

during our classes together, kendall would be bugging me to sign up for the contest or persuade me on telling daniel i was his mystery girl. daniel was so desperate to find his mystery girl that he persuaded the principle he could make an announcement  to the whole school.

i was in class with kendall until we heard the over head speaker beep, telling us that an announcement was to be made.

"good morning students, daniel seavey will be making an announcement, please be quiet." the principle said.

"hello students, it's daniel seavey." i looked at kendall, confused as daniel spoke, "on the night of the ball, i met up with a girl. she made the night very special, but i don't know who she is. so, to mystery girl, if you sing me the song you sang that night at the ball, i'll know that you are the one. thank you"

every girl in the room screamed.

"omg omg! daniel seavey wants me!" one girl said

"i know what the song is! I AM HIS MYSTERY GIRL" another squeled

kendall just looked at me and laughed i shook my head. as class finished and we head into lunch we sat at a table and a couple of minutes later the boys sat with us, we became friends.

"so lover boy, nice announcement. you just made your stay here horrible" kendall laughed

"what do you mean?" daniel said rather confused.

"she means that every girl is gonna say that they are-" i air quoted, "- 'mystery girl' and they're probably gonna be singing to you all day. then they'll cry because they're not the one." i explained to him and he just says 'oh'

"and don't you think that blondie won't sing to you and tell her that its her?" corbyn adds.

"i didn't think that. but we've talked and we seem to be fine. i just don't get why she won't tell me who she is, like i won't give up, but why can't she tell me?" daniel says

"maybe she thinks you'll judge her" i say to him

"i would never. she's perfect and kind. what would there be to judge?" daniel smiled. i love this boy so much.

"here comes your first mystery girl" kendall looks at the girl who comes over to our table and starts to sing daniel a justin bieber song.

"thats a justin bieber song" zach says to the girl, trying not to be rude.

the girl starts to cry and walks away.

"this is gonna be a long day" jack says as he buries his face into his hands.

kendall and i just laugh, knowing that no one knows the song. the whole day a girl would take every opportunity to talk to daniel and sing to him. daniel got annoyed and to me, it was quite funny. i love this boy with all my heart but he messed up.. bad.

as school finished i was walking home by myself and i was also texting daniel.

ocean: so did you hear about my announcement blondie?

blondie: sure did. i also saw how many girls went up to you today and sang to you

blondie: not gonna lie, it was entertaining seeing you get frustrated whenever a girl sang a song that wasn't my song.

ocean: why can't you tell me your name or who you are?

blondie: i have personal reasons.

ocean: this girl that i hang out with said something and it made me wonder.. do you not wanna tell me who you are because you're scared i'll judge you?

blondie: maybe

ocean: i wouldn't do that blondie.

ocean: even if you won't tell me who you are. i won't give up.

blondie: this is why seavey, i like you very much.

ocean: :))

as i arrived home i went straight to my room. i took my books out of my bag and started doing homework. 30 minutes later blair knocks on my door.

"mother wants you to cook dinner now cuz" she says with her hand crossed, she sounded annoyed.

"what's up with you today blair?" i ask her, staying in my seat.

"that mystery girl. she is ruining my chances with my dani. i hope he never finds her." she says with and angry tone, "actually, i hope daniel finds her, because then i'll make her pay" she leaves the room.

as she leaves the room i let out the breath i didn't know i was holding. blair can be terrifying and god knows what she will do if she found out i was daniel's mystery girl.

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