13 | the dress

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After the night full of song writing and texting Daniel, I was beat. It had been a rough morning and I was so exhausted I dreaded getting up. I regretted not getting a full night's sleep, though the hours just getting to know Daniel was something I cherished greatly.

Once I had gotten everything ready for my cousin and aunt, I left early without even seeing them. I had texted Kendall to walk to school with me, as usual, to provide me advice on what the hell I was going to do.

"Kendall what am I even suppose to do?" I sighed with a distressed cry. "He wants to meet up at the ball and it's tomorrow!"

"Look, you don't need to worry. Everything will go–"

"I don't even have a dress yet!" I exclaimed, my voice high pitched from my frustration.

"Okay, you need to calm down before anyone thinks you're crazy and calls up a mental hospital." She jokes and bumps me with her shoulder. I smiled slightly and rolled my eyes. "We'll go shopping today and buy you a dress that you'll look absolutely stunning in. Something that will make Daniel drool once he sees you."

Arriving at the school and making my way to my locker, I noticed Daniel and Blair. I scrunched my face up in confusion as I saw them clearly flirting with each other. Daniel was looking at Blair intently and Blair giggled at anything he would say. She was making heart eyes at him and flashing her innocent looking smile. What were they talking about? 

Due to me being distracted, I didn't even notice the foot that was put in front of me and making me trip. I hit the floor face first, my bag sliding off my shoulder and slid across the floor. I felt a rush of pain on my face and my whole body as I heard laughter all around me. With the help of Kendall, I stood up on my feet and turned to one of Blair's minions, hysterically laughing in my face and whispering with Blair.

"Woops, didn't see you there." The girl who was responsible of tripping me said sarcastically.

"It was like you were totally invisible." Blair gave an exaggerated gasp and then continued laughing.

I looked at Kendall and she gave me a look that meant she wanted to kill Blair right there, then I heard a voice and quickly turned to whoever was speaking to me. There was Daniel, in front of me, giving me a sad and apologetic. He was holding my bag and he handed it to me.

Taking the bag off him I said, "Thanks." I was embarrassed and I couldn't believe what had just happened. It was a situation like this that I was glad Daniel didn't know.

Kendall pulled on my arm as I was still staring at Daniel and we walked away.

"She get's on my nerves. I wish I could have punched her." Anger filled her eyes and I knew she was fed up with Blair's attitude.

"It's not worth it, Kends. Don't worry about it."

I adjusted the red dress with lace that made my skin itchy. The dress wasn't as I had imagined it would look on me and it wasn't exactly right. I looked at myself once again and then opened the curtain to reveal it to Kendall. As soon as she laid eyes on me, Kendall gave an excited smile.

"That dress looks amazing on you!" Kendall complimented and stroked the fabric with her fingers.

"I don't know." I said, chewing on my lip with uncertainty. "It just feels like it isn't the one and it's uncomfortable."

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