27 | consequences

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thalia's pov

now go get your man, these words replayed in my head. i looked at kendall and i shook my head at her. i'm scared at what daniel is going to say to me. i'm scared he'll hate me.

"kendall..." i start to say but she pushes my in the direction of daniel.

i trip and fall into daniel's arms. i quickly stand on my feet and give him a nervous smile.

"uh. sorry about that" i say to daniel as i look into his eyes. his eyes that are so blue and bright that makes my heart melt.

"thalia..." he pauses, "why didn't you tell me that it was you? why did you pretend to be my friend after you broke my heart" he looks down, breaking our eye contact.

"daniel i didn't pretend to be your friend. i was your friend. it broke my heart how much pain i caused you but-" i start to explain the situation to him until he cuts me off.

"i cried myself to sleep because of how much you hurt me. i loved you and you saw that. you played with my heart. thalia... just- just please leave me alone" he says and walks away. a tear falls from my eye and i quickly wipe it away.

after that situation i decided to go home. it was a quiet walk home since the streets were empty, considering it was 12:30 am i the morning. as i got home, blair was sitting on the couch with my auntie. i close the door and i turn around to see blair smiling evilly.

"blair told me that you stole the win from her today at the competition" my aunt says while i stand there, waiting for my punishment.

"aunt denise, i didn't know that i would win" i try to explain

"do you know what happens when you try to steal something away from my daughter" aunt denise says with pure anger in her voice, "you are ungrateful, you are selfish and you are useless"

"i accepted you in and you do this to my own daughter? unless you want to live your life, you will tell the boys that you don't want to do the music video and tell them that blair is going to take your place" my aunt says while blair just sits there on her phone, smiling widely.

how could someone be this cruel? how could someone just tell you to give up something that you've worked for? how could someone tell you that you're useless and doesn't deserve something you won fairly? it's like i'm in some fairytale but with no happy ending. i'm sick of obeying orders from my auntie. i'm 18 for goodness sake. i'm an adult. enough is enough.

"no" i was straight-forward, i did not want to listen to their threats and orders anymore.

"what?" blair finally speaks

"i said no. i'm not gonna throw away something that i won fairly. i'm not going to listen to your orders anymore. i don't want to spend another second in this house. i'm leaving" i say as i walk to my room. while my aunt and blair's jaws drop.

i quickly hurry to my room and get a bag that was under my bed. i put in my clothes and other necessities  i needed. i didn't have much stuff since i didn't have much money to buy myself loads of clothes. i sling the bag on my shoulder and grab my guitar that was in its case. then i spotted a box that was hidden under my bed and remembered what it was - my father's box. i quickly put the box in my bag. as i headed to the door, blair and my aunt were still on the couch.

"thank you aunt denise for letting me stay here but unfortunately, i have to go" i say to her and before she could speak i walked out the door. 

it was currently 1:20 am in the morning and it was quiet. i didn't know where to go. i was officially homeless. i took out my phone and decided to call kendall, hoping she would pick up.

"hello?" kendall groaned through the phone. i could tell she was quite annoyed that someone was trying to reach her at this time in the morning.

"hey kendall? i'm sorry for calling at this time but please i need your help" 

[ author's note ]
i've decided on updating every other
day now. please vote and comment
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