34 | rivals

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thalia williams

2 months later...

It's been a whole 2 months and it's been hectic. The boys and I finished writing and recording our album and its going to be released in a week. Daniel and I have been going strong. We haven't revealed anything to the fans yet as we both agreed that we were going to announce it until after the album has been released. Daniel and I haven't had any big fights, and I hope it stays that way.

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself. The boys were holding a party at their house as a celebration for the album coming out. I wasn't wearing anything too fancy. I wore black ripped jeans with a maroon halter top and some heels. I had my hair down and I ran my fingers through my perfectly straight hair, which I spent about 20 minutes straightening.

I then heard a voice, coming from the hallway. The door then opened and Daniel was standing there, smiling brightly, as usual.

"Hey beautiful." He said, coming closer to me and giving me a peck on the lips.

"Hey." I respond and smiled at him. I stared at his ocean blue eyes, oh how I could just get lost in those beautiful eyes of his.

"Are you ready to go? People are going to be arriving soon." He informed me and I nodded in response.

With his hand in mine, we made our way down the stairs. Soon, people started arriving and the whole house was full of celebrities, youtubers and friends. While we were talking to some of Daniel's old friends from highschool, I excused myself and made way to the bathroom. As I was making my way there, I accidentally bumped into a girl and her drink spilled on my clothes.

"Watch where you're going!" She screamed, loud enough for me to hear over the blasting music. The girl had long brown locks that were curled to perfection and she was wearing very short shorts with a cami top.

"I'm so sorry!" I responded but she just scoffed and shook her head. She proceeded to then walk away.

I hurried to the bathroom, locking it and the noise of the music became softer. I looked at myself in the mirror to see a wet spot on my shirt and on my jeans. The spot wasn't to big and good thing it was only juice, considering there probably isn't any alcohol at this party. I took some toilet paper and dabbed it on the wet spots, hoping it'll dry. I fixed myself up and after contemplating if I looked decent enough, I exited the bathroom.

It was quite hard to see through all the people that were dancing and talking. There were way too many people here and I couldn't find Daniel anywhere. I felt hands snake around my waist and I instantly turned, started by the person in front of me. I sighed as Daniel looked at me with a bright smile.

"You scared me, Daniel. Never do that again." I say and he leans closer, kissing me on the lips.

Once we pulled apart, he whispered in my ear, "Were you trying to find me? You looked lost, but I could still find you in a big crowd because you're just radiating with pure beauty." I felt my cheeks heat up from his response and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

A voice then called us over and Daniel and I both turned to the direction of the voice. David gestured for us to come to him. Corbyn, Jack, Jonah and Zach were already next to David and they chatting amongst themselves.

"Now that you're all here, I just wanted to say how proud I am of all of you! This party is amazing and I can't believe your album is coming out next week!" David said and we all thanked him. He then turned to me and said, "Also, Thalia, I wan't you to meet my daughter, Aspen." David pointed to the girl who was standing behind him, she had a bright smile on her face but it dropped and looked at me with pure disgust. She was the girl from before, who spilled her drink on me.

Aspen then put on a fake smile and waved, "Hello, I'm Aspen."

I smile back at her, "I'm Thalia, it's nice to meet you, Aspen."

"You will both get along just fine! Now, why don't we enjoy the party!" David said and we laughed at his pun.

The boys all went their seperate ways, talking to other people, but Daniel stayed by my side and Aspen was standing in front of us. There was some awkward tension and I didn't know if Daniel noticed it.

"Do you want to get some drinks?" Daniel whispered in my ear and I shook my head.

"You go ahead, I'll talk with Aspen and get to know her better." I responded and he nodded.

Once he left, I looked at Aspen and softly smiled at her. Our encounter earlier wasn't the best way to meet and she did act kind of rude, but you don't know, maybe she's actually a really sweet person on the inside, well, I hope so.

"I'm really sorry from earlier. It was an accident and I apologize." I finally say, breaking the silence between us.

"Who do you think you are?" She says and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Sorry? I don't know what you mean."

"So, you think you can just come in the boys' lives and be all best friends with them? Then start flirting with Daniel?" She snaps at me and I open my mouth to speak but before I could, she takes a step towards me, "You're pathetic, the boys just felt sorry for you so they picked you to make a song with them, you're not special. Stay away from the boys and it will make my life easier, you got that?"

I was speechless with the words that had just come out of her mouth. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to say how rude and wrong she was but she was the boys' manager's daughter, I didn't want to be rude. She smirked at me and then walked away.

All throughout the party, all I could think about was the words that Aspen said to me. Did the boys just pity me and that's why they decided to become friends with me? Did Daniel feel sorry for me so that's why he asked me to be his girlfriend? Aspen is just trying to get in your head, I thought to myself.

The party was then over and everyone went home. I sat outside in the backyard, recollecting my thoughts and trying my hardest not to doubt that the boys actually cared for me.

"Are you okay, Thalia?" A voice said to me and I turned my head to see Daniel. I looked back at the view in front of me and nodded. "Did something happen at the party? Did someone touch you?" He said, his voice getting louder.

I looked at him, straight in the eye and shook my head, "Nothing happened, Daniel. I'm just tired, that's all."

I didn't want to say anything about what Aspen had told me. The boys and her were probably good friends and I didn't want to ruin that.

Daniel pulls me into a tight embrace and I could feel his warm breath against my skin. I loved the warm feeling when he hugged me.

"I love you." He said softly, making me smile widely.

"I love you too, Daniel. I always will."

trust fund baby has been out for a while now and i haven't said anything about it yet. but all i have to say is that its amazing.
this is definitely my new jam and i could listen to it all day. can we also talk about how zach's voice changed and matured so much more, like whaaaat? overall, i'm so proud the boys and i can't wait for the new music to come!

i also want to thank everyone who's been voting for this story! we have 100 votes now! thank you all so much!

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