11 | dinner night

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"Ocean is the one and only Daniel Seavey? The one you've been texting is Daniel Seavey?" Kendall said shaking her head in disbelief.

"I can't believe it either. He probably didn't want me to know he was famous because he's scared I'd treat him differently." I was also so shocked and I couldn't believe that ocean was Daniel.

I was shaking my head and looking down at my feet and then looked up to see Kendall raising an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked her

"Why don't you go up to him and tell him its you that he's been texting? Like girl, go!" She exclaimed, gesturing me to move, but I couldn't.

"No I can't!" I shook my head vigorously.

"And why?"

"Because Kendall, if he knew who I was he would probably think that I'm a loser. Because let's face it Kendall, I'm a nobody and he's famous! People like me don't belong with people like him!" I admitted to her with a hint of sadness in my voice. As much as I want to tell Daniel, I couldn't, I wont. "Plus, blair would probably not want me hanging out with her-" I air quote "- 'future boyfriend'."


It was now the end of the day and I was walking home, alone. I was lost in my thoughs, because all I could think about was Daniel. I pictured his smile, that smile that was so contagious. I was still in disbelief that I had been talking to Daniel all this time. I was so excited on meeting ocean, Daniel, because I loved how great of a guy he was.

I wish I just had the courage of going up to Daniel and telling him, it's me, it's me ocean. But I knew I couldn't. Blair being obsessed with Daniel meant that I would not be allowed to talk to him. Why would I follow Blair's orders? Well her and her mother, my aunt, are like partner in crimes. Whenever I would do something Blair doesn't like, she would tattle it to her dear mother and I would get punished, I would either loose my phone for a month or be grounded.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I found myself on the ground, a pain coming from my right elbow. I winced in pain and I opened my eyes, I was met with a boy, a boy who had the eyes of an ocean, Daniel Sseavey.

"Are you okay?" He extended his hand for me to grab, and I did, and helped me up.

"It's okay, it was my fault. Sorry I wasn't looking on where I was going." I apologised, looking at my elbow which was bleeding.

"Oh my, you're bleeding. I'm really sorry." he looked at me with guilt.

"Its okay, really." I looked at him with a shy smile.

Our eyes connected and we stared at each other until I heard my phone ringing.

"Anyways, sorry but I've got to go!" I muttered, smiling at the boy and walking away. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, answering the phone call.

"Where are you Thalia? Come back home immediately and cook, we have guests over!" My aunt screamed through the phone.

"Yes Aunt Denise, I'll be right home." I replied and ending the phone call.

As soon as I ended the phone call I received a text, a text from ocean, or Daniel.

hey blondie! we didn't get to meet up today :(

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