03 | best friends

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hey, how are you doing?

hello to you, ocean. my day is going alright.

are you having a bad day? what happened?

just stressed. i have loads of chores to do and lots of homework.

am i distracting you? i'm really sorry, i shouldn't have texted

its alright, i needed the break anyway. how's your day been?

great, actually

lucky you.

my friends and i are currently at a restaurant. they're goofing off and embarrassing me.

sounds like you're having fun.

cheer up, blondie. my best friends are really annoying

at least you have a lot of friends. i don't have any plans this weekend because my best friend is busy.

who's your best friend?

her name is kendall. she's a big fan of wdw too ;)

ahh, how nice.

what about you? how are your best friends like?

they're great. we're like brothers and they're always there for me when i feel down. they try and cheer me up and i couldn't ask for better friends

are we friends, ocean?



we're best friends

funny, that little sentence just made by day, thanks

you're welcome, blondie.

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