04 | mystery boy

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thalia's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my head, it was time for school. I got up and got ready. I put on simple makeup and headed downstairs to make my aunt and my cousin breakfast. I am literally their maid, and I hate it. But, I have do what every my aunt says as she has control over the money that my father left me and she says that if I don't follow her orders, she won't give me money for college, or anything for that matter.

"Thalia you better have already made breakfast because I'm really hungry." Blair says in an annoyed tone. Blair is my cousin and she is the definition of a spoilt brat.

"They're on the counter!" I yell back, grabbing an apple and taking my bag and heading out the door.

I start to walk to school and i stop at my best friend's house, Kendall's house.

"Hey, Thalia," Kendall says, giving me a little wave.

As we are walking to school I tell Kendall about how a random number texted me and how we became friends after talking during the weekend.

"What? You are seriously becoming friend with this mysterious dude?" Kendall asks in shock and i nod.

"What if he's a stalker? What if he's a 60 year old man?" Kendall states, she is overprotective of me.

"It's okay Kendall. I've actually gotten to know him and he's a pretty cool guy!" I tell her.

This guy isn't like any other guy. He's sweet and is understanding. He doesn't seem like the jerk every other guy is like at our school. Every time I talk to him, he makes me smile and laugh with his jokes. He really is something different.

As kendall and I walk in the hallway of Devin Performing Arts School, people are running around and are very loud. Kendall and I make our seperate ways as we go to our lockers. I take out my books that I need and head to class.

I actually enjoy school and I am a good student. My favourite subject is music as I love to sing, but I don't like to sing in front of the class as I'm scared of being embarrassed in front of the class. Kendall and Ocean are the only ones that know I love to sing.

As I wait in my english class, I take out my phone as I waited for the teacher. I checked if I had any messages and I had one from Ocean. I really wanted to get to know more about this guy and actually learn his name.



hello to you too ocean. how are you doing today?

i'm good thank you. what are your plans for today? anything interesting?

im at school. you'd expect me to say how much i hate it but i actually enjoy school. i'm such a geek

no, definitely not. but being a geek isn't always a bad thing

well thank you. but it's our last term and then i'm finished so i can go to college soon. i'm really excited!

i'm also really excited because i get to travel!

oooO, lucky. where to?

denver, colorado!

oh my god i live in denver

no way! maybe we can meet up sometime?

well, i don't know. we have only been texting for two days.

i promise, i'm not a 50 year old man.

maybe, ocean.

okay! i'm excited more than ever now!

well i gtg, class is starting. talk to you later!

bye !

I turn off my phone and face the front of the class. the teacher had just arrived and started teaching.

It was now lunch and i headed to the canteen and made my way to where Kendall was seated at.

"Kendall you have no idea how happy I am right now." I beamed as I sit down across from her.

She looks up from her phone and look up, "Tell me your news,"

"The guy that i told you about, the one i'm texting, is coming to Denver!" I exclaim in excitement.

"Thalia, you've only been talking to the guy for two days! You don't even know what he looks like or what his name is!" Kendall pointed out, a worried look appeared on her face.

"I know Kendall, but he's actually a really good guy and I've only known him for a short period of time and I feel like i'm more comfortable talking to him than anyone, other than you of course." I say to her.

"Well if you do decide to meet up with him, I'm tagging along." she says and gives me a smile.

"Of course! Maybe he'll bring one of his friends and you guys can hit it off!" I laugh. Kendall rolls her eyes at me and proceeds to scroll through her Instagram and eat her salad.

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