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Somehow, for some reason, I already knew that he was coming to my mother's funeral tomorrow. Perhaps they had gotten close when I was gone. Perhaps they had the same type of bond we had (my mother and I) and he just wanted to pay his respects. Whatever it was, I knew that the cherry on top was me.

Seeing me at the funeral was very much guaranteed and therefore, the creme of the crop.
The icing on the cake.
The sprinkles on the muffin.

But little did he know, I did move on.


"Hey!" I cheesed on the other line.
"Hey, who's this?"
"Jun!" I said angrily as he laughed.
"Leona, Leona. I'm just playing, Okay? No need to kill me."
I giggled a little. "Well good. Because I'm not ready to have to go that far with you.. yet.." we chuckled. "What are you doing?"

"Ah, nothing. Just enjoying South Korea without you. Going to parties and getting the ladies in my private space."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Yeah? Well none of them better be infected. I don't want your funeral to have to be next."

He chuckled. "What are you doing, beautiful?"
"Mm, nothing much. Just trying to avoid some obstacles tomorrow."
"Leona. It's not tomorrow yet."
"I know." I laughed.
"Now I asked you about right now. So, you better answer me correctly this time."

I paused. "Or what?"
"You'll see."
"Boy, don't act like you can do something to me when you're not here. Because you and I both know that you can't. Nor can you touch me while I'm there. So I suggest you stop bossing me around. "
"Alright, chill out. You little kitten."

I giggled as he licked his lips. "Jun, you know I have to get up early in the morning, right?"

I know, but I miss you. I haven't seen you in a few days and I haven't talked to you for eight hours!"
I had to laugh. "Don't exaggerate."
"I'm not! I counted!"
"Oh my gosh." I smiled.
"You know you're my best friend, right?"
"Yeah." I nodded.
"Well you should know that you treat your best friend like a pet. You have to treat me like a plant! I may be far away/unable to talk but I still need water/love!"
"Yes, I know.. But maybe you can come visit me someday."
"Wait.. You mean you don't have a ticket back?" I shook my head.. "LEONA!" He whined.
"Hey! I'm sorry! I didn't know how long I wanted to be here so I just.. I just.. Didn't!"
"Okay, okay. No need to work yourself up over it."

I sighed. "Yeah.. But, really. Come see me if you miss me THAT much." I smiled.
"Oh I will. Bet on it. I'll be on you front porch with some flowers and a grand gesture tomorrow morning!"
I laughed. "Okay, Mr. Grand Gesture, I'll hold you to it."
"Goodnight, Jun!"
"Goodnight my luscious butterfly."

I laughed so hard before hanging up.


Today was the day. I had it planned out in my head for years. I didn't want to speak and if asked to, I would only say a few words that would last under thirty seconds. I put on my purple outfit and put on a black shirt underneath it because purple was her favorite color. I then got in the car with my sister and went to check on any last minute things for her service and the fellowship that would follow.

"Sorry I'm late." I turned around. "I had a few things I needed to take care of." I don't think I can escape him, I'm afraid. I thought to myself. "Its alright. Just go help Leona set the tables." "No, I got it." "Leona, let him help you." I sighed, defeated by my sister and let him. It sucks being the youngest sometimes..

You can just set that right there." I instructed, referring to the box of silverware he was holding. "Grab this end and help me even it out."

We eventually were able to get all of the tablecloths set. Now all we had to do was put the napkins and silverware down.

Once on the last one, he grabbed my hand and looked up at me.
"What, Hoseok?" I asked with a disgusted look because of him touching me.
"I.. Um.. I'm sorry for your loss."
"It's whatever man. Life happens and so does death.. But thank you." I said as I laid down the last of the silverware.
"But.. You know that I Love You, right?"
I sighed. "Hoseok. You know how I told you to stop loving me a long time ago? Well I've moved on and so should you."
Suddenly and swiftly, he pulled me close to him and looked into my eyes. "You know I could never do that." His finger traced the side of my face before I quickly pushed him away.
"Stop it. I'm taken."
"Damn right, you are." His eyes traveled my body and stopped when he got close to my ear. "I'm your Daddy." He said in a deep voice and smacked my butt before leaving.

But that's not exactly what happened either.


"Stop it. I'm taken."
"By who?" He challenged.
"None of your buisness."
"You are my buisness, remember?"
"Not since I lost your number. Oh wait. Correction. Deleted." I smirked.
"865-2321." He stared me down, causing me to pause and lose my grin. "You know when to call me." He said, brushing past me.

So you just expect me to remember that like a robot?"
"No." His hand went to carress my lower back, pulling me closer. "You're a smart girl. You can remember things. You're good at that."

Angry at him but not wanting to embarrass myself, I balled up my fist and clenched my jaw to protect what a mess I had made in my panties. "You know, you should really mind where your hands are going." I mumbled.
"I do. And I know good and well where they are. But they're not at all where they should be." He let his eyes travel down my body before exiting, leaving me in the dust of my own cluttered mind.

Why is this so hard?

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