Wedding Plates

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I kept my knees together in the car. I was anxious and felt almost as if I were gonna explode everyone we passed by a bridal place. Luckily, she decided to start me off easy and just shop for silverware and plates for the tables.

"Ugh. There's so much to do. I don't even know where to begin!" She sighed as she turned the engine off in the parking lot. I gave her a small smile of assurance.
"You'll be alright. Everything will be fine once it's all over."
"Yeah.." she smiled, looking out into the window towards the sky.

Once inside, she pulled out a list.

"Okay, so I need help picking out designs for the following:


As she went on with the list, my ears tuned out as my eyes fell prey to the gorgeous blue and white plate staring back at me. I didn't mean to seem rude, but my gaze couldn't be broken.

"Leona." My head snapped back into her direction. "What are you looking at?"
"O-oh. Um. Nothing. It's just a plate. That all."
"Where?" I pointed to it as I moved closer to pick it up. It was even more gorgeous up close. The very intricate and original designs just called my name. Dying to be taken home with me and displayed in my home as a constant reminder of what once was and will never be..

In a good way..

I realized that I was staring into the eyes of a precious wedding plate. But I wanted it.. Even if I knew that I wasn't getting married anytime soon.. If ever, for that matter.

I blinked back into reality, handing Mira the plate just to see her grinning. "You like this plate, don't you?"
"I mean, yeah. It's nice and all but, do you like it?"
"I love it. It's absolutely gorgeous!" I smiled before slowly dropping it. On the inside, I was crying because I knew..

I knew that of she loved it, it's be hers very soon.

"The thing is, though.." Her eyes softened as her face dropped. "It doesn't match our wedding colors." My ears perked up.
"What are your wedding colors?"
"The white and this gorgeous grayish purple with a touch of green." I nodded.
"That sounds elegant."
"It is." She smiled.

I Set the plate down just to hear Mira protest. "Um, what do you think you're doing?"
"Let's take a picture of it so that you'll be able to have it forever.

The free way." She smiled as she took out her phone. "Just hold the plate and we'll take a selfie." I smiled as I picked up the plate again and taking on a basic, professional pose as Mira made a peace sign.

"Great! I'll send the picture to you if you want."
"Thank you." I smiled.


I sent the picture to her as I dismissed the way she clutched the plate. I could tell that this was going to be the first clue to the puzzle of her ideal wedding with Hoseok.
To help him out, I also sent the picture to Hoseok with the caption:

Clue Number One!

I wanted to do whatever was necessary to make things easier for him. He's my friend after all. A friend who's deeply in love with a girl that doesn't know what she wants.

"Hey Leona, why don't you go and pick out things that you like and stuff that might match my wedding; Then we'll meet back up here in a few minutes to swap ideas." Her smiled seemed sappy and I could tell that she was slowly falling apart. I knew that this was hurting her, which is why I let her go.

Truth is, I already have the main stuff for my wedding figured out. All we need to do is find the venue and hang everything up. Along with ordering the cake. Sehun & I will go cake testing next week.

I pretended to find things that I liked when I was really just searching for her. Things that she might like for her wedding..

I really hope that she says yes..


The next section I went to was one with napkins and silverware. I absolutely adored the royal blue napkins with wood rings to keep them closed. But I wanted green in them also. You can't have water or the sky with earth or earth without water. Otherwise everything else would just fall apart and die.

A moment later or so, I found two kinds of napkins I loved. There was a marbled green and blue that simmered in the light and a green and white napkin with a blue ring to hold it together. I simply adored them. As told, I threw them into the bag with the plate while the stuff for her wedding remained in another bag.

I sighed in defeat after a while of looking at slightly gilded eating utensils and decided to stop being a selfish killjoy and actually help her out. So I pushed away the lovely things I saw and focused on Mira's wedding colors.

"Hey Mira?"
"Which shade of purple is correct? "
"The lighter one mixed with traces of the darker one but it's still shimmery."

Geez girl. How will you ever find that color?

"Mira.." I started. "Where-? I mean. Why couldn't Hoseok come with you to do this?"
"Well Hoseok had to work today and said that at the rate that he works, if I waited on him to come with me, we'd never get anything done. So we agreed to let me do the stuff that I can by myself and then we'll compromise at home."
"Home?" I blurted.

They live together?

My heart shattered.

"Yeah. Naturally, since we're about to get married. We bought a house together." She beamed.
"Oh." I tried to keep my face neutral. There's no need to smile and frowning would make things worst.
"But we haven't moved in just yet. We're just getting everything situated." I breathed a mental sign of relief. "We agreed to not start living together until the day of. So, our clothes and stuff are in there, but he's living in it by himself until then."

I nodded.

She is the epitome of perfectness..

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