Jung - Jun

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"Have you ever kissed anyone?"
"Have you ever kissed anyone?"
"What type of question is that?"
"I just wanna know."
"Well, if you really wanna know that bad, then-."


I sighed.


Having a house phone can be horrible. I got up and as soon as I reached the phone, it stopped ringing. Groaning, I listened to the voicemail.


"Hey Leona. Just wanted to check on you and see if you saw the ball drop. Well, I wanted to also let you know that I'm having a party tomorrow.. I mean, today. It'll be at my house. And don't worry. I won't be over by the time you wake up because I know you like to sleep in." I smiled a little. "Just come whenever. It'd be really nice to see you again. Bye. I-."


Thank God my machine cut him off. If Jun heard that, he'd be suspicious.

"Shouldn't you call him back?"
"No. That was all I needed to hear." I said before laying back down on the couch with Jun.
"Are you going?"
"To the party.. Are you planning on going?"
"Well.. I wasn't planning on it.. But if you wanna go, I'll go."
"Okay. Then it's bedtime for you, Missy." He said as he turned off the TV. I had no problem with going upstairs and going to sleep.

Until I realised that I didn't know what to wear..


I fought with myself until Jun came in.

"Hey, Leona? Are you okay in there?"
"No. I don't know what to wear!"
"I'm coming in." He came over to me and laughed at my 'cuteness'. "Did you call him to see what the dress code was?"
"No. He'll only say, 'Anything you wear will be fine.' Gosh! It's so annoying."
"Listen. Just calm down. If we're over dressed, we'll be over dressed together because one thing's for sure. I'm not changing out of these damn clothes." I laughed a little as he rubbed my back.
"Okay. Just stand here though."

I began to pick out my clothes and he helped me narrow it down to the one that was the most similar to his attire. I felt better that we would be matching in style and attire.


We walked in the door and there were quite a few people. I was already getting a little nervous. I was reassured when I felt Jun's hand rubbing my arm. "It's gonna be okay." He said before kissing the top of my head. "Lets go."

A few hours into the party and I had not moved from the punch bowl. "Leona. It's been two hours! Where have you been?"
"Where I've always been. Right here."
"Oh come on, girl. Let's dance."
"No! Jun!"
"Come on, Leona. Please?"
"But I don't dance."
"Oh yes you do."
"Not freestyle!"
"It's not freestyle. Just follow me."
"But Jun- AH!"

He took the liberty of spinning my around and dipping me.

"See? You're a natural!"


The whole time, I was hoping that I wouldn't be noticed. But here came the man of the hour, walking up to us just as I was fixing Jun back up to keep up his appearance.

"There you go, my little baby Jun." I teased as I took hold of his chin and gave him a bop on the nose with my finger. "Now you're all nice and clean." I smiled, but it quickly faded when I saw him.

"Hey Leona." He seemed to be forcing a smile at us as he watched Jun's hands on my shoulders move to my arms. Rubbing them for comfort.
"Jun. This is Hoseok. He's the one that threw this party."
"Jung Hoseok." He corrected as he went to grab Jun's hand.
"Just Jun." He smiled.
"I was just coming to say that I was glad that you and your.." He trailed off.
"Friend." Jun said.
"Ah yes. Your friend could make it."
"Thanks for inviting us."
"No problem. Enjoy." Then he left.


Normally, I wouldn't mind if she brought a friend. But this time, I couldn't be happy. She said she had moved on. I didn't really expect her to be telling the truth. I'm just hoping that he really is just her friend and nothing else..

"Hey Hoseok." I nodded at her. "What's wrong?"
"Leona moved on. She really did this time." I looked down at my hands.
"Hey, cheer up. Maybe he's just a decoy to make you jealous."
"A decoy? Hm. That does make sense."
"Yeah. Don't worry. If she's really the one, she'll get over herself and come back to you in no time." I smiled as I hugged her.
"Thanks Mira. Thanks for being there for me."
"No problem. And if anything else happens, just call the girl expert right here." I smiled and then stood up.
"I'm going to get something to drink. Do you want something?"
"No. Me and the dancefloor will be just fine."
"Okay. You have cleanup duty." I said before sprinting.

I laughed, hearing her shrieks. But my smile soon faded as soon as I saw her at the punch bowl. "You really are stationary."
"Only once have I seen you on the dancefloor."
"Oh. Yeah. I prefer dancing by a wall with a nonalcoholic drink."
"But you're not dancing!" I laughed.
"What? You never heard of the New dance?"
"What New dance?" I challenged.
"You know. It's called the.. The Wall Lock." I started laughing.
"Leona. You and I both know that you don't like to dance unless someone pulls you out there."
"Its embarrassing!"
"At first. But then you turn into this dancing diva. Everyone envies you. You can even dance in heels!" She laughed and bit her cup. I wanted so badly to be that cup. To feel her biting my lips once more. But then he came to mind.

"So. Who is he?"
"Who is who?"
"Jun. Who is he?"
"My friend from college."
"No. I wanna know who he is to you.."


I hadn't the slightest clue on how to answer until I remembered what I  had said to him last time. "That's him." I nodded over to him. "The guy I told you about as we were setting the table. That's him."
"If that's him, why would he say you're just a friend?"
"Its not official yet. It almost was last night until you called."
"Almost? What do you mean, almost?"
"We almost kissed." I began to try and make him feel bad. "If you wouldn't have called, then we would have."
"Well then I guess it wasn't meant to be, now was it?" He grined.
"We'll see."

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