Moist & Messy

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Sitting up, I realised that I had not only woke up in a pool of sweat, but in a pool of wetness. My dream about Jun had ended so abruptly when I felt myself fulfilling my urges outside of my dream.

Having a steamy dream about your best friend is ideal (in some cases).

Awaking to moaning his name in a hot and sticky mess: definitely not ideal. Especially since then he would know that I had dream about him. Things would become awkward. But wait..

Why am I even having those dreams?
I don't wanna actually date Jun..


I bit my lip in frustration as I checked myself to see how wet I really was. My eyes widened when I realized the mess that my hand had just gotten into. My underwear and sheets were completely soaked! I knew I couldn't get up because he would notice that I'm drenched and walking weird. And I can't get up anyway because all my body can feel is the arousal of the high by the thought of being fucked by Jun!


Internally screaming, I tried to wait it out. But the longer I sat there, the stronger the urge to tame it became.

You just have to be quiet. That's all..

I looked at the door before laying back down with a sigh. My body in the position it needed to be for the extinguishment of pleasure. I decided to just throw my undergarments off and across the room as the biggest mess took place there and I wanted no restraints on my session. I soon took a deep breath before slowly reaching down for the first touch. Jumping at my own touch, I then realized how sensitive I was..

Being quiet is gonna be next to impossible..

But I just had to try. A few minutes into it, I got impatient and began to do it faster to see if I could get it over with quicker. I had just taken a deep breath when I heard the door open. I quick turned over on my side to face away from the door.

I knew it was Jun.

I knew my face was blushed.

Biting my lip, I waited for him to say something. But instead, he had decided to grab onto my blankets. I knew what he was about to do.

"YAH! JUN! You can't just be coming in and touching things like that! Get OUT!"
"Ouch! Why?"
"Because! Because I.." I mumbled.
"Because you what?"
"Because sometimes I sleep naked! Damn!" I said as I pulled the covers up to my chest. He laughed.
"It's okay. I do it too." Kissing my cheek, he took a moment to stare at me before looking around the room. His eyes locking with my panties. "Is that why your panties are on the floor?" My face flushed red as he began to crack up. I hit his arm.. Bad idea. "Hey, why is your hand wet?" By now, I was a tomato waiting to be squished."
"Jun, get out!" His eyebrows rose up as he gave me a certain look. He leaned into my ear before asking,
"We're you dreaming about me?"
"Jun, get out! Out of my room. Right now."
"If you want me out, then shove me out." He grinned.
"So I guess you wanna see me naked?" I retorted, annoyed.
"That seems like it'd be a treat." He winked.
"Jun, if you don't get up out my room right now, I will make sure that I kick you out of this house once I get some clothes on." He stood up."well that's too bad. I think you'd look pretty sexy naked."
"Get out of here your pervert!" I threw my pillow at him, making him leave. I sighed deeply before flopping back onto my bed, cover my face with my hands before quickly realizing that my hand still had my slim-juice on it. Disgusted, I wiped my face and hands before throwing on my housecoat, grabbing a new set of PJs and underwear and going across the hall to get into the shower. As I washed myself, I couldn't help but feel disgusted.

That's your best friend. Why are you thinking like this?

Slowly, I began to allow the water to run over my head as I continued to think.

Plus, he wouldn't want you. You've been friends for too long to get together.

But I have to get over Hoseok..

So we're just thinking about using Jun as a rebound? Is that it? How low of you..

No, no. It's not like that! I genuinely like Jun!

Wait a minute.

Time stood still. My heavy head being weighed down by my wet hair. In my mind, I seemed to be drowning..

But not in water..

The door opened as I quickly flung my head back, causing the water in my hair to strike the shower wall and ceiling. Thank God the curtain was closed..

"I'm sorry! I just really had to use the bathroom but you've been in here for thirty minutes!"

I have?
What am I doing with my life?

I sighed. "Well you better hurry up and get out soon because I'm getting ready to come out."
"Ooh. All the more reason to stay."


I knew what was going on with Leona. How I know is what kept me from sleeping. Especially with her, as I sometimes do.. When I laid with her to go to sleep, her grip tightened on my body, as if asking me to come closer. But how much closer could we get? She was already laying in my arms, cuddling up in my chest.

Pretty soon, she began to moan a little. I thought that she be having a bad dream until I heard her moan, "Yes."

So she's having one of those dreams? Maybe I oughta stay to hear this.. I grinned since I knew Leona loved to talk in her sleep.

She soon began to bite her lip as her facial features tightened. Her nails began to dig into me but I didn't mind since I wanted to find out who she might be dreaming about.

Perhaps Hoseok?

Or a celebrity?

Her breathing turned into panting as she began to tossle around a bit. I was so tempted to mess with her, so I went into her ear and said something subtly dirty. "You don't have to breathe so hard.." I then thought about it and asked myself, "Or is something wrong?"

She went silent again before her moans picked up again. The sound of her moaning had begun to awaken another part of me. My eyes focused in on her and her lips. I secretly loved the way she moaned. It was sexy. I then lowered my voice to try and imitate Hoseok but failed when I said, "Say my name, baby."

"Mm." She mumbled. And then, it happened, "Junnn." My eyes widened.


I had absolutely no idea that she thought of me that way.. It turned me on to think that she did, so I quickly got out of there. I kept hearing her moans throughout the night, which only got louder, making my problem much worst.

And so..

I had to fix my problem..

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