Questionable Plans

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As soon as Sehun left, I picked up my sunken heart with hope and gravitated towards the phone. I thought that if I had talked with Sehun and if Jun knew what exactly was going on, maybe he'd back off..

So I dialed the number I had memorized by heart to contact my only connection to him..

Just to be declined three times and sighing in defeat the fourth time to leave a voicemail.

"Hey. It's Leona. You know I'm not good at doing stuff like this so leave a message at the time and.. whatever you're supposed to afterwards.."


"Hey Leona. I was actually calling for a new reason this time. And it's not for you, actually." I laughed. It was funny.. "I just wanted to know if Jun was there so that we could talk. But since things didn't go as planned and no one picked up, will you give him my number instead? Thanks. I-."

Beeeeeeep! Call Ended.

I sighed. It seems that her answering machine can detect when I'm about to tell her that I Love her because it always seems to cut off my heart-filled words with the beep.


I stood in shock, contemplating picking up the phone in the first place. Now, after listening to the voicemail, I had to think..

Talk to Jun about what?

And why Jun?

Why should I give Jun your number?

Jun doesn't even like you that much so what makes you think that he'll call you?

I mean-.

"Hey beautiful." I felt a hand on my waist, making me jump. "What's up?"
"Nothing. And don't scare me like that." He grinned with a small chuckle before kissing my forehead and walking towards the sink.
"What do you mean? I meant no harm."
"Uh huh.. Don't break my dishes or I'll break you."
"What part of me?" He teased. I groaned in frustration as he laughed in the background.
"You disgusting little pervert! You haven't changed a bit!"
"Aww Leona. Don't you like me that way?"
"No." I crossed my arms. Jun just grinned before continuing to wash the dishes.

"Yes you do.." He nodded. A moment of silence followed. "What do you wanna do today?"
"Me? You're the visitor.."
"Hm.. Any news?"
"Ah.. Hoseok called.. That's about it."
"Pfft. Ah. He's not important. I meant some real news. Not ones that are useless."

I had to laugh.
"You're so mean, Jun."
"Noooo. I'm just trying to keep you away from that heartbreaker." I froze..
"Yeah.. Uh.. Anyway.. I need to make a phone call. Go do something with yourself for a bit."
"Yes!" He threw two fists in the air as he walked past me.
"No loud music! And no fapping!"
"Don't worry! I will!" He laughed.

"Perv." I mumbled with a smile as I dialed the number.

Hoseok's call reminded me of someone.

"Yes, Is this Mira?"
"Yes. Who is this?"
"It's Leona. Ho-"
"Ooooooh! Hi honey! How are you?"
"I'm fine, thank you. Listen. I haven't received that invitation yet. Did you forget to send it?"
"Oh no, dear. It should be there in a matter of three days."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Trust me. I know these things. I've asked a friend of mine to drop it off in the mailbox, if that's okay."
"Oh don't worry. It's not a serial killer or anything. He's very trustworthy and won't bother to knock on your door or return. You won't even know he came until you open your mailbox."

God, this girl is crazy! But.. I guess I should just deal with it and trust her..

"Okay.." I heard her giggle a little bit on the other line before getting stern.
"Stop it, Sehun! I'm on the phone! I said stop! It's Leona!" My eyes widened..

What the hell did I just..?

"Hello? Leona?"
"Y-yeah. I'm still here."
"Oh good." I heard a male laughing in the background.. He sounded like a maniac.. "Listen. Why don't we hang out together sometime? Is today good?" I looked over at Jun. He seemed occupied..
"What would we be doing?"
"Just some wedding planning and stuff. I need some help."
"You don't have any family to help you out with that?"
"No. They all live far away and will only be able to make it to the wedding and wedding party."
"When will that be?"
"April 5th."
"No no. I meant the party. The wedding party?"
"Ooooh! The wedding party is quite undecided at the moment."

"Ah. So this is a new idea?"
"Yes. Not even open for the public yet. So keep your mouth shut for me, eh?"
"Most definitely." I nodded and smiled.
"Good. Thank you."
"No problem, Mira."
"What time?"
"What time for what?" I questioned.
"I mean, what time should I pick you up today for the wedding planning?"
"Oh! Uh.."
"We have to hurry though. Most of the good stores close at six and nine today."

I looked back over at Jun again before seeing him turn around from the couch to smile at me. I returned the favor.

"Can I bring a friend?"
"What kind of friend?" She said slyly. I could almost see her eyebrows rising and setting at a fast pace.
"Just Jun. He's my college friend."
"And crush?" She teased.
"A bit, yeah.. But um.. Can he come?"

She thought about it for a minute before chattering in the background took place. Finally, after a long while, she returned.

"Maybe next time. This time, I'd really like to use this time to get to know the gorgeous girl that may steal away my husband!" She laughed but I didn't..

It wasn't funny..

It was heart wrenching..

"Yeah.. I mean.. You don't have to worry about that. He's all yours now. One thing you should know about Hoseok.

Once he's in love with a girl, he'll never let her go..

Unless you break away.."

"Hm. True. He was stuck on you for a long time."

"Well, um. How about tomorrow? At least we'll have more time together then."

"Okay. Got plans?"

"Yeah. I've got my hands full with Jun."

"Alrighty then. How's eight AM for you?"

Good God! That's too early! I don't like to wake up until after 12!

"Perfect. I'll be ready by then."

Oh how I am going to suffer..

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