Morning Misery

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I made sure to go to bed early that night after explaining to Jun all the rules to my household while I'm gone.

"So what was that about?" He asked as I sat next to him on the couch.
"Jun.." I turned to him. Watching as his eyebrow raised with discomfort. "I have to go bed early tonight and I will be gone all day tomorrow." He stayed silent staring at me.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"I'm just waiting on the bad news.."
"There is no bad news, Jun."
"Then why'd you look at me and say my name like that?"
"Like what?"

He fixed his gaze to be intense and sad-looking on me before sighing in a dramatic female voice, "Jun.."

"I did not say it like that.."

"Shh!" Then he continued with his head down. "I have something to tell you.." He looked up at me dramatically with false tears in his eyes. "I'm pregnant."

"I did NOT say that!" I hit him.
"You sounded like you were going to! Then I was about to start the questions like, Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? And what time? Don't be so dramatic man. You almost scared me!"
"Bro. What man has been close enough around me to get me pregnant, besides you?" He grinned with his head down but then it quickly faded.


My blood boiled.

My hands clutched into two tight fists.

My jaw, just as tight, accompanied by my fire for eyes.

I knew he wasn't kidding.. For he wasn't smiling.. But had no need to take it so far. After all, the question was rhetorical.

"I'm going to bed."

To keep myself from hurting him, I nodded, got up and walked away..


Although I hadn't slept for hours that night, I was still about to manage to get up and get ready for the day. Still angry from last night's event, I didn't bother telling Jun what time I was leaving or goodbye when he saw me. I was merely focused on getting out and getting done.

It was bad enough that I had to get up early just to spend my day with some girl that apparently Hoseok didn't want me to know about. But I would've found out eventually.. I mean, she's his bride for goodness sake! Ugh. Men..

Before opening the door to her car, I put on a happy face so that she wouldn't sense the stress from me.

"Hey! Glad you made it." She smiled brightly.. I mentally sighed.

No wonder they're so perfect.. She's just as bright as him..

"Thanks for inviting me." I smiled back. "So, where are we heading to first?"
"Well, I figured that we could stop for breakfast first and then go see about the wedding decorations and dishes. How does that sound?"
"You didn't eat breakfast?" I questioned.
"Well, I figured that you didn't either so, I thought it'd be a great way to start the day. With a little conversation."
"That sounds nice." I nodded.
"Well, did you eat?"
"No, but I'm fine."
"What do you like to eat?"
"Mira.." I paused as I realised that I was about to let my guard down.

If she wants to treat you and neither of you have eaten, then declining her would show you're sad. So go. You can skip breakfast tomorrow.

"Thank you."
"No problem."
"I'd like to have some chinese food, by the way." I smiled.
"Perfect! Let's go." She smiled as we came to a stoplight.


It wasn't until we had arrived at the restaurant that I had regretted my decision. This was the same chinese restaurant that Hoseok used to take me to for our occasional dates..

I know this resturant..

I could very clearly see where Hoseok & I had often sat on most nights when it wasn't busy. The booth that gave me the perfect view of the window now sat empty in its misery..

Much like my heart..

I blinked out of my misery once I heard the employee's footsteps lead us to a table away from the booth and hand us two menus once seated.

"So.. What are you getting?" She asked.
"My usual. Shrimp Fried Rice and two eggrolls."
"You've been here before?" I laughed nervously as I looked away.
"Yeah.. I used to come here a lot, actually.."
"Is their food any good?"
"I'd like to think so. But then again, I've only ever gotten the same thing here."
"That's cute. Did Hoseok used to take you here?" I paused before nodding.
"Y-yeah.. How did you-?"
"Well Hoseok has told me a lot about you. So, I just figured I could throw that out there for you." She said as she pretended to throw something.
"Still doesn't know how to shut up, huh?" I smiled as I bit my straw before taking a sip.
"I mean.. He does.. But it's rare." We laughed.

Eventually, our food came and I was able to finish half of it before it was time to go.

"I'll finish this at home."
"Are you sure? We can wait. It's only ten o'clock."
"Yes." I smiled. "I'm very sure."

She payed and we left.

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