Back Up, Plan!

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The car ride was silent and it was okay since I didn't expect her to say much after that little moment. She stared out the window most of the time and let me drive since I knew where my brother's party would be. Before we knew it, we were there but I seemed to be the only one scratching my head.

Do they know each other? Am I at the wrong place?

Attempting not to make Leona feel any worst, I knocked on the door and pretty soon, it opened. The house was full of people. It was so crowded that I held onto Leona to make sure that she didn't get lost in the wave of people.

Once in a decently quiet place, I asked Leona the question:

"Isn't this Hoseok's house?"

She seemed to perk up a little at the sound of his name. But alarmed, she seemed. Observing the place, she nodded. "Yeah. Either that or just a look a-like."
"Let's hope that it's a duplicate." She cracked a smile and nodded.

We went back out into the crowd and I looked at her. "Ready to separate?"
"Are you sure? I'll stay with you if you wa-."
"No. Just go have fun. I'll be fine."
"It's not fun. I gotta find my brother!" I laughed in attempt to make her smile.

Mission: Accomplished

New Mission: Find Sehun


Everybody is here and now it's time for the distraction. Hopefully, I can get this announcement over in time to stop the confession. I got up on the table, stopping the music and began my announcement after getting the okay from Hoseok.

"Excuse me! Everyone! May I have your attention please!" The room got a lot quieter. "There will be a special announcement being held in the other room from me and Sehun. So please, do me a big favor and move into that room, please. Thank you!♡"

Sehun helped me down after I caught a glimpse of Leona. She looked like a sad bag of soggy chips. Her face said everything. She was moping. Confused. Hurting. The only thing that I couldn't seem to figure out is why on earth she was so confused?

Luckily, I was able to catch her before she went in the door.

"Hey, Leona! How are you doing? I didn't know that you were coming!? Why didn't you tell me?" She seemed full of everything I had thrown at her all at once so she held up one finger.
"Mira.. First of all, hi." She laughed. "Second, please talk to me like a normal person and only ask one question at a time, please." I took a deep breath before letting it out.
"I'm sorry. I'm just so excited to see you. Why didn't you tell me that you were coming? I could've picked you up."

"Well, it was sort of a last minute thing. I originally didn't think I would be here either, but.. Tada! Here I am!" She held both of her hands up as she look at the ceiling, smiling. We both giggled. "Plus. I have my own car. You don't need to drive me everywhere."
"I know.. But I would've came anyway because I haven't seen or heard from you since we were shopping at New Denim! How are you, girl? Why are you looking so-?"
"Mira. Just one-."
"Sorry. How are you?" I said slowly, like a whale, making us laugh.
"I'm fine. Just been having to do a lot of stuff lately."
"Like what?"

"Packing? For what? Where are you going? You can't leave me!"
"Mira. I'm in school. I study abroad. I came back for my mom's funneral, not a wedding." She said, trying not to seem mean.
"Ugh. School sucks."
"I mean.. Studying abroad has its pros and cons but all in all, I Love it. Travel the world while learning the language."
"Please stay for the wedding, though."
"Please? I have a really sweet deal if you stay."

"What's the deal?"
"I'll let you know after you answer me one question."
"Okay. What's up?"
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You just look a little sad. That's all."
"Pfft. No. Trust me, I'm fine. I just suffer from RBF and RSF."
"Resting bitch face and resting sad face. Trust me. It's a thing."
"If you say so."

"Hey, Leona. Mira.." Hoseok said, acknowledging me for a second. "Can-can I talk to you for a second?"
"Yeah. But what about the-?" She looked over at me.
"Oh, don't you worry about that. You guys go ahead and talk. Ill let you guys know what the announcement was later." With that, I waved and went inside.

Hoseok's plan better back the hell up because my plan WILL work!


I don't know how I'm gonna do this. But here it goes..

Once Mira disappeared, I took Leona over to the far side of the room to talk. It took me a moment to gather my words because I was so in awe by her beauty.

How could I do this to her?


And then just come out to tell her the truth..

Would she even believe me?

"Hoseok." I blinked at the angelic voice. "What?"
"Leona.. I.." I began to think some more.

I Love You..

Say it!

I Love You!

"I don't know how to say this to where it would even make sense to you or if.. if I should even be saying this at all.." I suddenly mustered up the courage to look at her. Her eyes read: scared. Her body tightened in my hands which was the moment I realized that I was holding her shoulders with my hands.

To touch someone like this after a long time of not being able to, does something to you. Especially when they mean a lot to you.

My heart racing, although I'm not usually the one to get choked up in this type of situation. My eyes intensely watching as her lips open and begin to move. But nothing comes out.

My hand gently moves up to her face to move the hair in her face and my heart breaks as she flinches to my touch.

It's been a long time.

"Leona, I-."

"Hoseok!" My eyes immediately looked over Leona's shoulder at the one person I did not want to see in this moment.

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