Drop The Ball

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Everyone has at least one wish they want to make come true. And although we don't like to admit it, we often make what I like to call Selfish Wishes.

I have many. But the main ones I have made on this night, are two.


"Jun!" I pouted.
"Awwww. What's wrong, my lovely bird?"
"You lied to me!"
"You said you'd be at my door the next day with roses! It's been well over a week!" He laughed at my facial expression.
"Aww, Jagi. You look so cute when you're mad at me like that." He mocked. "Listen. I promise you that I will come visit you, okay?"
"No lie?"
"No lie. I promise." He held up his pinky in order to seal the deal. This caused me to smile.
"Okay. But if I don't see you before the New Year-"
"Don't worry, kitty! I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Before New Years?"
"Before New Years." He smiled. "But anyways. I should be the one who's mad at you."
"What? Me?"
"Yes, you. Miss I-Didn't-Buy-A-Ticket-Back-To-See-My-Best-Friend."
"Last name, Because-I-Didnt-Know-How-Long-I-Planned-On-Staying."
"Jun!" I pounted.
"I mean.. We can play this game. If you wanna be mad at me, then, I might as well not come see you."
"Huh? Hm.. Fine. I'll just stay mad at you the whole time though."
"Then what's the point in you coming if you're just gonna be like that?"
"To spend up all your money! Duh!" We both started laughing and I soon found myself locked in a tight space where I couldn't breathe.

Jun was my best friend,

but I think that he might actually mean something more now..


It came to me more clearly though, on that day.. That day that he came knocking on my door on New Years Eve on who he was..


"Alright, Alright! I'm coming! Chill out!" I threw on my house coat without closing it and didn't bother with putting my slippers on.

It's my house. I wear whatever I want.

I opened the door and my eyes became wide with shock and excitement as my body lept on his.

"JUN!" I could feel the chill of the outside weather mix with the vibrations of his laughter. It felt so good.
"I missed you too, Leona." He rocked our bodies from side to side and kept my legs from leaving his body. (AKA making sure I don't slide off.) I soon came to the reality of what was going on and how it would look to the rest of the world and got off. I was so elated, I couldn't even say a complete sentence..

Or even start one..

"Can I come in?"
"Oh, yes, yes. Come in!" I said before letting him in. "What am I doing?" I whispered to myself as I shook my head and locked the door.
"And I do believe that, as promised, this" he pulled out a single rose from behind his back. "is for you." He bowed slightly as he extended his arm with the rose in it. Smelling the rose, I let out a big smile.
"Yeah, you better had." I laughed. "So, um. Where's your stuff?"
"In the car. I'll go get it."
"Okay." I went to unlock the door and opened it.
"Uh, what are you doing?"
"Opening the door so that it won't close so much and you won't have to keep one hand free to open the door back up."
"Nice. Thanks, Leona." I nodded before running upstairs to put on my socks, pants and a turtle neck to help him outside. But he stopped me at the front door.
"Where are you going?"
"Out." I smiled. He eyes glanced down at his bags before looking back up at me.
"No. Oh, no no no. No you don't."
"You, little miss missy, are going to sit right there and NOT touch these bags. I'm the man. I'm doing the moving."
"Jun!" I whinned.
"But I wanna help!"
"Too bad, because these are the last of the bags." I pouted and huffed as I went back upstairs to change.


My eyes couldn't help but to lock on her hips swaying in disappointment as she made het way upstairs. I loved how excited she gets when she sees me. I just hope that I can keep her happy forever..


When I had came back down the stairs, I saw more bags on the floor, followed by Jun coming inside to close the door.
"JUN!" I screamed as I started hitting him.
"Ouch! Okay, okay! I'm sorry!"
"You lied Again! You know I hate that!"
"Okay, okay. But I'm a man."
"And I'm a WO-MAN." I said with my hands on my hips.
"Yes you are. A very sassy one, so watch that attitude."
"You watch yours." I crossed my arms as I gave him that look, looking him up and down.
"You keep acting like that, you'll never get a man."
"Excuse me! I don't need one anyway." I said before walking away.


This is going to be a long winter. But I'm ready for it. Especially since its with her.

I eventually got her to calm down (even though we were teasing) and watch the ball drop with me. Looking down at her cuddled frame, I shook her as I pulled her tighter to catch her attention.

"Hey, it's almost New Years. Make a wish." I smiled.



+I wished that I would be a person to love.

+And that Hoseok would find someone to replace me.

Such selfish wishes I asked for. But I could only hope, as I was comforted by the warmth of Jun's presence, that they would come true.

Some may not see why these are so selfish. But I say they are because:

1.) They keep Hoseok away from me and out of my hair.

2.) They allow me to become a better person, capable of being loved.

I was such a bitter fool when I was with Hoseok.. and I don't wanna do the same to him..



ust before the ball dropped, he blurted, "Hey. Have you ever had a New Years Kiss?" I shook my head.
"No." He smiled at me.
"Would you like one?" I blushed and was so flustered that I couldn't even reply.



Jun's eyes locked on mine.



His hand caressed my face as he pulled me closer.


Our lips almost touched, when I, for some reason, stopped moving.


I felt like I was betraying myself.. I felt like I was betraying someone. I've only ever kissed Hoseok.. How could I switch to Jun's?

I looked down as I felt his lips kiss my forehead. The air that was trapped in my chest had escaped my burden..

This time..

Accompanied by a soft back rub as my head rested on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Leona. I shouldn't have done that without your consent. Please calm down." It was then that I had realised how hard I was breathing. I laughed to play it off.
"No, no. It's fine." I smiled and relaxed on his body.

It felt so good to me.

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