Made to Honor

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After witnessing Leona in her all black episode, I shot a text to Hoseok.

Me: Its would be best if you just left Leona alone today..
She's not in the best mood for talking or being bothered at all..

This was actually working to my benefit because I needed to tell Hoseok a white lie anyway to buy myself some more time on how to tell her..

When everything was done, I attempted to make conversation with Leona only to be shot down. I couldn't read her emotions besides the obvious:


I suddenly felt even more guilty than I already was. Twice pinned..

I just need more time to figure out how to make things right..

Just then, my fiancé called so I walked out of the room.

"Oh Sehunie~!" I chirped. "What time are you coming to the dinner today?"
"I can't. Something came up and Father wants me to work overtime." my smile dropped.
"Oh. Okay.." I bit my lip, thinking.
"Don't worry, Mira. When I take hold of the company, I'll be sure to be home to work you instead."
"Sehun!" I could just feel my face turning red. The shamelessness of his comment embarrassed me, though I had no reason to be.
"It's a fantasy of mine right now, baby. But it'll be a reality soon."
"I'm hanging up." He chuckled on the other line which creeped me out. "I Love You."
"I Love You Too. Be a good angel and keep things going smoothly. Okay?"
"You know I've got this. This is easier than serving you coffee!" I grinned and he groaned in remembrance.
"Goodbye Mira."
"Mmkay. Byeeee~." I chirped again.

I sighed in frustration as I hung up the phone. What could I do now? Suddenly, I paused. I knew exactly what to do.

Me: Hoseok, I have a huge favor to ask..

Hosi-shi: ..?

Me: Sehun can't show up to the rehearsal dinner so I need you to pose as my husband just for today so that everyone can get the idea of how things are gonna go.

Hosi-shi is typing..

Me: Its only until he gets here Hoseok.

I waited for what seemed like five minutes before I saw that he was typing.

Dammit, Hoseok. Hurry up and type!

I sion heard the ding that let me know that his message came through. Upon reading the txt message, my smile immediately dropped.

Hosi-shi: No.

Me: Hoseok, please!

Hosi-shi: No.
                 I refuse to play a part in the mess that got me here in the first place.

Me: Hoseokkkkkk😭😭😭😭
        I really need you!

Hosi-shi is typing..

Me: Fine.. If you wanna go this route..

Hosi-shi: What?

Me: Nope.

Hosi-shi: Whatever.

Me: You're such an asshole..
        And here I am, your only hope, asking you for something small..

Hosi-shi: ....

Me: Just think about it. Its just a one time thing and you don't even have to come to the wedding if you don't want to.

I sighed. I never got a reply back from him and time was cutting close for the party to come. I decided to leave Leona alone and try to handle the small stuff that still remained until the guests came.

I was greeted by people flooding in at once and once they were settled, I told them about Sehun not coming and the possible replacement. I asked everyone not to mention Sehun as the thought of him not being here would upset me. I then went over to let Leona know that it was time for the dinner. She, in her silence, replied with a nod and stood up to walk past me.

As I began orchestrating the who sits where and how we should come in, in walks Hoseok. Twenty minutes late, but thank God he's here.

"Thank you for showing up. Everything is going to make so much more sense now." He just nodded and kept his eyes forward.

I guess they're mentally twinning right now..

I thought in reference to Hoseok and Leona.

They really do carry melancholic moods that are overpoweringly noticeable. Trying to ignore their moods, I kept going. Pretty soon, everyone got the gist of how to walk in and everything.

"Hey Hoseok, I know you have to work today. You can go if you want now. Thank you." I dismissed him. He nodded but his gaze was very obviously locked on Leona.
"Stop fucking staring at me." I heard her grumble. Her eyes were daggers and she hadn't even looked up at him yet.

"I'm sorry Hoseok. I told you, she doesn't want to be bothered. Please just leave now." With one last look, he left. I then went over to Leona and dismissed her as well. "Hey Leona. I know you're having a hard time, so why don't you just go home for today? I can catch you up on everything on the day of the wedding even though we've already gone over everything." She sat there for a bit before grabbing her bag and walking out.

What on earth am I gonna do?


Once home, I was about to frustratedly plop onto the couch when someone caught me. My eyes widened as I stiffened and straightened up. He immediately attacked my neck. "Sehun!" I exclaimed before turning to face him. Immediately, my lips were covered with his. I could feel his frustration growing against my thigh.

"Please, baby. Just once before we're married." He mumbled as his lips moved down to my neck once more.
"Sehun.. Sehun I told you already." I pushed his face away from me. "No."
"Baby.." He rested his head in the crook of my neck. "I promise I won't hurt you.. That bad.."
"Sehun, do you want to have kids immediately following our wedding?"
"Then I suggest you keep that dick under control." I said before walking away.
"This is why I Love You. God you're so sexy."
"Cut it out. You're just horny."

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