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If this was Mira's plan to have us split up, then it worked. I know that she said she was trying to help, but it didn't. The whole thing was a failed attempt and now, all of my chances of ever getting back with her are gone.

I read the letter again.


I know we have been through a lot together and that you might have felt a certain way about me in the past. I know I went away in hopes of ending us for the better, but the truth is that everything's gotten so much worst.

Without you, I've been everywhere and with you I've been nowhere. Now the tables have turned..

I Love You, but I can't do this anymore. I can no longer bear the burden of loving you. So now, I have to let you go. Please be happy without me.


I bawled my eyes out.
I lost her and all because of a stupid lie that I never wanted to go through with in the first place.

I made up my mind.

I have to tell her the truth.

I know she'll hate me but I'll talk to Mira first and ask her if she'd be willing to help me out with this one.

"Mira, it all failed. Everything failed!" I cried into the phone.
"What? What's going on?"
"She's gone.. Mira, I lost her."
"Leona!" Bawling, I could barely hear what Mira was saying before she hung up. I kept crying until I heard a knock at my door. Quickly wiping my face off with my shirt, I opened the door not caring who it was.

Immediately, I felt a hand on my back and a voice asking me what happened. "And please start from the beginning." I didn't say anything. I just handed her the letter and she sighed. "This is all my fault. I never should've pressured her into this." my eyes shot daggers at her.
"I.. I mean.. I never should have made her so frustrated with me.."
"Mira, what did you do?"
"I just.. Kept asking her why she left you.."
"Why would you do that when you already know the answer?"
"Because it seemed as if she had a different reason from what you've told me!" she sighed.

"I have to fix this. I have to right this wrong."
"No. I'm done with leaning on you. I have to go see her. Face to face."
"I can fix this!" my eyes slowly crept over towards her asking, What could you possibly do? "I can go and talk her into being my maid of honor again by apologizing and then you'll see her at the wedding so you can talk to her!"
"Why should I trust you?"
"Because I started this mess.. Let me clean it up.. All blame is on me. Plus, she doesn't want anything to do with you. I'm your only way out now. You have to trust me.." Clenching my jaw and fist, I internally bade myself for being such an idiot.

If I could just go back..

"You will fix this?"
"You will tell her the truth and not invent anymore lies?"
"Okay, yes. Dang. Yes."
"Because if you don't, then you'll be losing a friend."



I sent Leona a text asking her if she was okay. I needed to make sure that I could get a hold of her and apologize.

Mira: Hey, can we talk?

G💚rge💙us: About?

Mira: I want to apologize and etc.
           Can I call?

G💚rge💙us: ..Fine..


"Leona, before you say anything, I want to say I'm sorry. I should never have pressured you like that about something so deep.. I should have listened to you and I promise that I'll start being a better friend to you. And.. I would really love it if you stayed as being my maid of honor.." she stayed silent for a long time. I knew she was upset but I really wanted to fix it this time. "I didn't call you for a few days because I wanted to give you some air. I realized that I messed up and I promise that I'll do right by you. Please forgive me." she sighed.
"I'll buy you something to eat."
"Mira, you can't bribe me with food."
"At the Chinese buffet." the line got silent. "And I'll treat you to any buffet you want twice a week up until the wedding."
"You said you'll stop bugging me, right?" I giggled.
"Yeah. And it comes with a drink."
"Deal." I laughed. I aspire to be this woman.

"Would you be okay to hang out today?"
"Can you give me a couple of days? I don't feel very well."
"Okay. How does Wednesday sound?"
"I should be fine by then. I'll let you know."
"Okay. See you later Leona. Get well soon!"
"Thanks Mira. Goodbye."

Everything is starting to pull together now..

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