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Arthit’s POV

I strode in the café.

The beads of sweat on my forehead was draping down my cheek. I ran to get here on time but it was futile.

I was still late.

“Arthit!” I heard someone called out.

I looked around then I saw Sahit, my childhood friend, in the corner with a glass of water in front of her.

She excitedly waved her hands at me. I smiled dashingly in return.

I walked up to her, the smile never left my face.

Sahit is my childhood friend. We’ve practically grew up together. Our house was next to theirs. We’ve grown closer after she saw me being bullied and came to the rescue. When I was young, I was really thin and small. It made me an ideal target for bullying.

It wasn’t really that she fought with them but she scared them off by yelling that someone was coming and grabbed me to run with her.

She was always the lively girl.

It wasn’t difficult to like her. As we grew older, she bloomed into a very beautiful woman. Many guys of our age tried to hit on her but she wasn’t interested in any romantic thing so she would always have me as the pretend boyfriend. As a result, students in our school thought that we were really an item. We never bothered to deny nor confirm it.

And I, on the other hand, liked the idea of being known as her boyfriend.  My feelings for her grew and I’ve tried to convey it in a subtle way but she never really noticed me. For her, I was a friend and will always be her friend.

“Some things never change, eh?” she remarked after I got myself seated.

“You look beautiful today.” I said in return. I tried to divert her attention so she would overlook that I was late again.

“Spare me, Art.” she rolled her eyes. She called me that way ever since I can’t remember.

I snorted. “Traffic in Bangkok is ridiculous,” I reasoned out.

“Yeah, right.” she said in disbelief.

The waiter came. “Mocha chino latte for the lady and a strawberry milk for me,” I ordered.

Sahit gave me a knowing smile. “So what brought you here?”

I was surprised to receive a call from her that she wanted us to meet. We went our separate ways when we graduated high school. I was scouted to play for a basketball team in one of a reputable school in Bangkok while she stayed behind in our hometown.

We kept in touch though.

The smile on her face turned into a pout. “I missed you, of course.”

“Likewise, I miss me too.” I joked.

“Hehe, “she faked her laughter. “I just happened to come here in Bangkok because my boyfriend joined a camp and I came with him so I just thought of meeting you too.”

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