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Arthit's POV

I continued to wash and rinse the dishes. When I was done with one, I handed it to him.

It was taking him a while to take it so  I turned to him and he seemed to be out of it. A playful idea came to me, I directed a spoon on his cheek."Kong?"

He didn't budge.

"Kong?" I repeated, a little louder this time.

His cheek lightly touched it when he looked at me. I gave him a mischievous smile and raised my brow up and down. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I knew there was something wrong but I did not insist anymore. I focused my gaze on the dishes before me again.

"Arthit," I heard him  called out my name after a pregnant silence.

"Hmm?"  not giving him a side glance.

"Do you still like Sahit? "

He kept asking me the same question.

"What answer do you want to hear, Kongpob? " I asked back. I broke my gaze from the dishes to his face. "Do I really look that obvious? "

"Obvious? What do you mean? "

"Do I really look like so in love with her? "

"Nope, are you?  I mean, still? "

"Then,  how did you know? " I asked him back again.

He was about to retort something but hold it back. "She's the reason you were at the bar after all. " he whispered.

"What? " I didn't hear it clearly.

"I said, stop answering my questions with questions too. So, are you? "

He wore a stern look on his face, his brow creased and he seemed like his life depended on what I was going to say.

I don't know what gotten into me but I dried my hand and stretched the line on his forehead.

He was fazed by my action. "You can't really get over something you felt and kept for a long time right? " I said,  pulling my hand back. "But.. "

"But? "

"I don't know, lately I just don't think about it that much. "

"Do you still hope to have a chance with her? " touching the area where I touched.

"To be honest, a tiny hope is still lingering inside me. " I focus my attention on what I was doing. "But, if she's happy then I should be happy for her. But if your brother stupidly hurt her, I'll take her back. " I joked, I turned to him while handing him the spoon and fork in my hand.

Was it pain that flickered through his pitch black eyes?

I elbowed him lightly and chuckled. "Don't worry I won't do anything to jeopardize their relationship."

He forced a smile. I wasn't okay with it.

"Have you ever thought of falling for someone else's instead? " he asked again.

"Heck, I don't think I am going to be ready any time soon. "

When he did not say anything, I turned my head. Only to be poke by his pointing finger on the cheek, I let out an annoyed breathe.

"Kong!" I exclaimed.

I turned to him and I was welcomed by his mischievous smile but his eyes was laden with sadness.

"When your heart is ready," he paused, his voice was low but it never fail to catch my attention. "tell me. "

"Because? "

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