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Arthit's POV


He had this pleasant awkward expression on then he smiled kindly.

I swallowed what felt like a huge lump in my throat before speaking. "What are you doing here? " I implored.

"Can I come in? " he asked. It didn't sound like a question but a subtle command. 

It made me raise my brow.

"3 words,  8 letters. Say it and you may. " I playfully told him. The idea came to me just to make things a little hard for them. I didn't want him to think that I was glad to have him here.

"I like you?" it was a quick response from him.

I should have known it will backfire.

I should have remembered that he always has his ways to turn my words against me.

Even if so, I pursed my lips to hide the smile. 

Game on, Kong.

I pouted my lips before replying. "Me too," I paused and looked at him in the eye.

I didn't know what has gotten into me but it just came out from my mouth naturally.

Was it joy that flickered through his eyes?


What should I do?

I gave him a huge smile. "I like me too." then I repeated. I moved my brows up and down to taunt him.

His eyes twinkled and his lips twitched arrogantly. "Tsk. You don't have to like you. It's my job."

The grin on my face disappeared abruptly.

I bit my lips. "Do you wanna be kicked out of here?" it didn't sound like a threat for sure.

"Absolutely not,"

"So? What's the answer? " I

He raised his hands with plastics full of sweets and snack in it.

"I got food? " he answered.

My lips formed the biggest smile I had of the day. "You know me so well,  come in. " I scoot in even more for him to enter. He settled himself few inches away from me.

I sat myself across him and took the plastic he handed. 

"Why are you here anyway?" I asked while munching chips. I offered him to have some which he quickly accepted.

"They are all in our tent playing cards, M is showing them some tricks. " 

"Why not join them?"

"I'm tired, just wanna have a quiet place."

"And why did you go here?"

"Because you're my quiet place."

"Ha. Ha. Funny." I pretended to laugh. I will never let him see how it affected me.

"I'm not trying to be funny though."

"Do you really want to be kicked out of here?"

"Definitely not."

"What happened to "I need to stick with you guy" then? " I tried my best to mimic his voice earlier.

"You heard it? "

"I have ears, of course I would. "

He smiled mischievously. "Ton is a nice guy, we get along just fine."

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