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Arthit's POV

"I am dating Kongpob "

The ruckus stopped, Bright,  Prem, Knot along with the others had their jaw dropped. No one was able to articulate anything in a while until someone from behind spoke - Kong. 

"They knew. "

They knew what? I couldn't help but ask myself. 

I pivoted on my heel to give Kong an eyeful. He wore an unfathomable expression, I couldn't sense if he was poking fun at me. "What did you say? " creased brows and baffled,  I asked. 

"They knew. " Kong shrugged as he repeated.

"They knew?" I put him through the wringer. "What? "

"Us, " never leaving his gaze on me, he answered.

"They knew? "

"Yes, "

"How? "

"You weren't too subtle about it in the first place, " Knot butted in. I veered to stare at him, about to say something when.. 

"We knew? " clueless, Bright asked ludicrously.

Prem nodded. "Yes, we knew. "

"How come I didn't know we knew? "

"I thought you kne -" Prem countered. 

"One more 'knew'and I'm going to beat the crap out of you. " Knot cut in. 

"Wow, that rhymes. " Prem whistled, Bright applauded - the rest cracked up.

"Ah, yes. I remember we knew." Bright tauntingly went along.

I snickered loudly which caused the others to turn to me with their lips slightly up - forming an impish grin. They started to hone in on me - I gave them a smirk when they slowly sashayed towards me.

I slowly stepped back, "What?"

"So," Prem paused and stepped closer to Bright to reenact the scene I did earlier. He took an invisible bag away from Bright and gave it to the grinning Knot, then laced his fingers to Bright who was pretending to be Kong and swayed it. "Very possessive!" his tone full of mischief.

They slow clapped to complete their show. I heave a deep sigh trying to contain my embarrassment and laughter. 

"I always knew there was something between you two from the very beginning," Ton yakked out, Knot agreed by nodding his head.

"Why do you think so?" Arthit asked back, Kong wasn't helping me at all. He was just behind me - his hands on his pocket, sporting an amused look so I glowered at him. He drew a thin line on his lips - trying to bite his smile away.

"I don't know, the tension was real. You acted like you hated each other but you actually look after one another. It's like all those fighting were just your way of showing your care - odd but yeah, you cared for each other," Knot answered instead when Ton just shrugged my question off. 

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