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Arthit's POV

"Cause I never stopped. "  

My eyes widened in surprise. I wanted it. I wanted to hear it so bad but now that he did.. "Wha-what? "

I couldn't believe it myself, I had to ask again. I had to be 100% sure that my ears weren't hearing things and they weren't fooling me. I had to be certain of what I heard. I had to stop myself from giving false hopes. I had to hear it again.

I had to. 

Kong chuckled.

I must have heard it right. If he's chuckling like this, do I dare hope?  My heart was pounding in my chest. It smiled as it heard Kong's laughter. It misses Kong. I miss Kong. 

But I don't want to hope yet.  A lot of hope is dangerous, it only prolongs someone's pain. 

Kong cupped my cheek, both palm propped up under my ears. His gaze was demanding to be met, the intensity was staggering. My world seemed to brighten up when I saw his lips perked up. 

"I never stopped loving you. " 

He said it as gentle as the morning breeze, his tone was calm and serious but my heart heard it loud enough to pound wildly. My breathing was caught in my throat so as my thoughts.

And as soon as the words escaped from his mouth, my head started to spin. I felt like I was in a whirlpool but it doesn't drown me. It was overwhelming to feel a little about a lot. I expected my greatest downfall and yet again, he saved me. He saved me even if I don't deserve to be saved. Kong has the kindest and forgiving heart. 

My heart felt like it was going to explode. I got a sudden surge of happiness. It couldn't handle the bliss. It was way too much for my frail heart. 

I felt so happy hearing it, it sent a smile to my face. Tears fell and mouth grinning. If others could see him, they must have thought I was crazy but I minded it not. 

Because god, I love Kong so much. The way Kong smiled, the kind of smile that was only meant for me, the way he gives it all - leaving nothing for himself. The way his always being honest with his feelings - not minding the pain. Kong was everything and so much more.

Kong was all I needed and I was more than glad that Kong was more than willing to love me again - love me inspite of. 

"I love you, Kong. "

I bobbed my head to kiss him. I just wanted to kiss him - if my words weren't enough, I hoped my kisses would fill up the gap until it would suffice - until Kong has no more doubt. Until it will ingrained in him that I am his irrevocably. Until it could erase the pain I caused him. Until he realized that I am his - alone. 

Our mouth melted into each other. The kiss was neither too wet nor too dry. It taste sweeter than we have shared earlier. As our lips brushed against each other, an electricfying tremors traversed all over my body. And in this passionate moment, my senses has been lured and my mind went haywire. And when he pulled away, all I wanted was to kiss him more so I leaned in for another.

He pulled me in on an embrace. He propped my head on his neck and his hand was gently running through my hair. 

"I know now,  Arthit. " he whispered against my ears. "I love you more. " his lips find its way to my forehead after he uttered the words I'll never get tired of hearing. 

Then I felt him smiled against my skin. My heart beat and my breathing became erratic but my mind was at peace. He is my peace.

We threaded our way back to the gym where we left the others in awe. The consequences of what I've done washed all over me. It now began to sink in but surprisingly I wasn't worried one bit.

They must have a lot of questions. They must have prepared themselves to tease me. Prem might have his knowing smile on. Bright must be ready to fire away all his lame jokes having me as the sorry subject. Knot being the Knot as always might not say something but let the others asked the questions he has in mind. 

I was nervous as we were approaching the gym. I wasn't prepared but I  felt ready. I am ready to answer them all. It's time for them to know because Kong doesn't deserve to be kept hidden. He deserves more than that. Our relationship was too precious to be kept on the sly.

My Kong deserves it. I don't need to rehearse my answer, the truth doesn't need a rehearsal anyway. 

I heave a deep sigh as I was looking in front, "You look like someone going to the death row. " I envy Kong, he looked so serene. His tone was casual with a hint of mockery.

I hissed. "Shut up. "

"Relax, you can just ignore them. "

I know Kong won't demand something like telling them. He won't force me to do things if I don't want to nor I am not ready to.

He held my hand and squeezed it gently. He was reassuring me that everything's going to be alright - that I wasn't alone and he won't leave me till the end.

We stepped inside and I felt Kong slowly retracting his hand from my grip. I know he was being considerate. 

I caught his hand again as I led him in. I saw the team flocked together in the corner, I directed our way towards them.

I felt my hand started to sweat. I heard Kong chuckled and I glared at him.

Bright was the center of the flocked, he was being comedic again while the others were snorting and laughing on the side. Prem sometimes joined in, only to tease Bright and his non sense joke.

"Kong and I are dating, " I announced without further ado.

The room went quiet and heads turned to us, faces unreadable.

After a long agonizing silence with nothing but dead air,  I repeated.

"I am dating Kongpob. "

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