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Arthit's POV

"Cause I like you more, " I pursed my lips together.

I won't be surprised if I die of a heart attack because of him.

I met his gaze and flicked his forehead. "Won't you stop with that? "

"No, I do plan on making you love me. "

I rolled my eyes.

He put his elbow on the table and laid his chin on it.

"I already do, " I muttered between my teeth.

His eyes twinkled. "Even more, " he stretched his arms to put his hand over mine on the table.

I glared at him. "Let's go buy Bright a gift, it's his birthday soon. " I changed the topic. His intense gaze was making me feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, when is it? "

"Next weekend, I think. Are you coming? " I prepared to leave.

"Am I invited or do I have to gatecrash?"

I shook my head. Bright usually invites everyone in the team.

"Do you want me to come? " he asked.

"Up to you, " I just shrugged off his question.

He nodded. "Should I buy him a gift too? "

"No, let's just buy one for him from the both us. " I nonchalantly said.

He stopped on his track and plastered a huge grin on his lips. Looking at his eyes, he was both happy and if I didn't know him any better I'd think it was tears in the corner of his eyes.

"What? "

"You said 'us'." he was grinning cheerfully.

I pouted my lips. "And?"

"I am just happy, you are thinking about 'us'. " his snicker widened.

"You're my boyfriend after all. " I whispered, defensively. "Let's go, " I stood up and started to strut my way towards the department store.

"What did you say? I didn't hear you, " he sheepishly inquired while grasping my elbow.

I whisked his hand away hastily, "Shut up, " half smiling half angry.

"It feels good to hear you say I'm your boyfriend, " he egged on. "So, please say it again. Please, come on. "

I stopped in my tracks and turned to him. He didn't expect it so he almost bumped into me.

I pretended to be mad, "Give me a reason not to murder you right now. " I flippantly queried.

"No Kongpob in prison? " he smartly replied while painting a ray of sunshine all over his face.

And he melted the facade I had a hard time keeping with it. "You are right,"

Our eyes locked, and we both burst out laughing. He continued to taunt me while walking side by side.

I could still sense him constantly staring at me. "What? " I furrowed my brow.

"Nothing, "

"Then stop staring, "

"Trust me, I'm trying but I just can't take my eyes off you. "


I puffed.

I quickened my pace and left him instead of answering.

I ungracefully walked away. My heart was beating so loudly. I just can't believe how he can stupidly make me act foolish.

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