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Kongpob's POV

"Kong? " I was awaken by a familiar voice.

I scrunched my nose and scratched my eyes to see the person clearly.

"Arthit? "

What am I doing here?

Then it all hit me.

"Chon, I'm sorry. We can no longer be together again. " I told her when she tried to kiss me.

I dropped her off at her hotel and quickly made my way out when she tried to kiss me.

"Why? Is there someone else? " she whispered, she was hurting I can tell.

I don't want want be the cause of her pain but I am not the type to lie just to make someone feel better.

"Yes, " I admitted.

"Who?" she asked at once.

"I have someone I love that's all you have to know. " I said candidly.

She sighed deeply. "Promise me, " she sniffled. Tears are forming in the corner of her eyes. "if it doesn't work out you will come back to me. "

I wiped the tears away from her eyes through my thumb. "I can't, "

I don't want to give her false hopes.

"Why? You won't even give me an empty promise. " she sulked, the sadness in her eyes was so apparent.

But she deserves my honesty.

"Because I'll do anything to make it work. " I replied.

"You like that person that much? " she asked.

"I LOVE that person that much. " I corrected her.

She smiled disappointedly. "Lucky bitch." she whispered.

"You'll find yours someday. "

"Kong, don't. Don't say something to try to make me feel better, just go. " she shooed me away reluctantly.

"Take care. " I left hurriedly afterwards.

I half ran and walked out of the hotel. I need to see Arthit. I don't want him to have the wrong idea about Chon and me.

I tried to call him but my phone suddenly went off.


I went to the university where I left them but only to find they weren't there anymore.

I decided to just go to his place in the end, thinking he might have gone home.

I hope.

When I knocked on his door, nobody was answering.


Where is he?

I decided to wait for him and sat by the door.

I need to see him and explain things.

I was very uneasy but it may be due to exhaustion I fell asleep waiting for him.

"This is a doorway, not your bedroom. " I snapped out of my thoughts upon hearing Arthit's voice. His tone was cold, it got me agitated.

I was at a loss for words. I was trying to fathom the mood he was in.

When I looked at him, I was surprised.

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