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Arthit's POV

We should never say no to food right? I chanted in my mind over and over again.

"What is that dish? " I reluctantly asked.

I only tasted his dish once but I could get addicted to it.

When I tried the same dish at the cafeteria it was so different. 

So I wasted no time to saunter towards him and checked on it.

"Okay, " I said after I smelled it with me pouting.

I was pretty sure it was Yam Nua. The delicious smell made it harder for me to walk away.

I sighed heavily. "Kong remember, this is only because you insisted. " I added to somewhat pacify my conscience who was currently crying out loud a warning sign.

I've suddenly thought of something so he would think twice of inviting me to eat here next time.

"But I want that dish you cooked last time. " I ordered.

He was tongue-tied and looked at me. I didn't notice how close we were until now. "If you can't ---" 

"Gaeng Daeng, it is." he uttered interrupting the rest of what I wanted to say.

I stepped out of the kitchen. It was very uncomfortable with me to be with him at a closed space.

We practiced for more than normal today so I was dead beat. I took the magazine on the table and scanned it while waiting.

"You're not even going to watch me cook?"  I heard him shouted.

"Nah, my presence won't make any difference on its taste anyway."

It will. I seemed to hear him say. "What?"

"Never mind, this won't take long."


I settled myself on the sofa while reading the magazine I took earlier.

Why are you here with him again? A voice inside.

I've been trying to ignore it since I've decided to stay. My mind was giving me all this warning signs to go but my body stood still.

It's just food anyway besides I can go after we eat.

And I am hungry.

Also, I don't have any food in my fridge right now so it would be useless to go back to my flat.

I kept listing all the reasons why I stayed to pacify my restless mind until I drifted off.

"Arthit?" I heard someone whispered near my ears. "Wake up,"

I whimpered, "go away," I managed to say.

"Wake up, the food might get cold if you won't eat it now."

Hearing the word food made my stomach rumbled wildly but I was too lazy to open my eyes.

He chortled faintly. I settled myself again comfortably to go back to sleep.

I was about to fall into deep slumber when I felt his hand on my shoulder and gently shake me to wake up. 

"The food is here, go back to sleep when you're done eating."

I whined inaudibly. I cursed him inside my head. I forced to open my eyes and I was welcomed by his smiling face.

"Let's eat." he uttered.

I crumpled my eye to fully wake myself up. When I got up, I saw all the food in the table right in front of me. "Kongpob, you don't have to bring them all here."

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