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Arthit's POV

I woke up and saw the clock on my bedside that displays 4 am.

I stretched my arms to look for the person beside me.

The sheet was cold and empty.

I never thought my bed was huge until now.

I lifted my head to check it again.

Where is he?

"Kong? " I sat up and called out his name. It wasn't that loud but the night was so quiet that I thought it would suffice.

I got no response from him.

I scratched my eyes and scanned the room.

Did he leave?

I walked to my bathroom but I was welcomed by the cold wind coming from the inside - a sign that nobody was in.

I moved my feet to my mini kitchen but failed to find him again.


I don't know but my heart felt uneasy.

I don't like the feeling of sleeping with him and waking up without him beside me.

He should have woken me up if he really needed to go.

My gaze landed on my balcony, if he's not there then he'll definitely hear an earful. 

In large strides, I headed towards it and reached the balcony in no time.

A sigh of relief washed over me.

When I opened it, I saw him there standing with his elbow rested on the cold metal rail.

I realized how much this person has entered my heart that his absence bothered me.

That his lack of attention upsets me.

That him being with someone else makes me angry.

And him looking sadly nowhere troubled me.

I took a deep breath. I grabbed a blanket and walked towards him.I hovered it around his body. He looked up to me and smiled.

"Why are you up? " he started, his eyes were on me.

"What about you? "

"Just needed some air, " he looked at me as if asking me why I was there.

"I needed some air too, " I copied his answer.

His lips twitched and nodded to himself.

The early morning air was cold,  I hugged myself and rub my palm on my shoulders up and down to warm me up.

He must have noticed it because he scooted near me and hover half of the blanket on me.

Our shoulders touching, I felt a sudden jolt of electricity.

"No need, " I tried to struggle out of it but he was determined to keep me still. He held the edge of the blanket on my side so I won't be able to move away.

It closes the little distance between us. I ceased on struggling.  He fixed the quilt so it will both cover us properly.

In the process,  his lips were almost close to mine and I wasn't sure if it was intentional but he was taking his own sweet time.

I looked at him while doing so - a mischievous smile never left his face and his eyes sparkling.

"If you continue to stare like that, I'd think you are falling for me. " there was a hint of humor and seriousness in his tone.

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