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100k READS!! WHAT??  Can't thank you all enough as a way to express it here's my 1900+ words chapter, the longest by far.

Arthit's POV

"I want it, Kong. I need you to completely own me if you still didn't know I'm yours. Only yours. "

I want to make him feel that I wasn't just returning the favor.

I wasn't forced nor obliged to do this.

I need him to own me as much as I need to own him - heart,  body and soul.

And if this is a spur of the moment kind of decision, I know I will never have an ounce of regret because he is Kong.

And I know I love him when I stopped looking for someone better because there's no one better.

When I stopped admiring his smile because I prefer to be the reason behind it.

I feel so extremely bad for I am failing at making him feel the way he makes me feel - secure and loved.

My heart is aching that he'd settle for something so low just to be with me.

I am so stupid. 

My heart was constricted in its wake as if it was uncertain if it should keep on beating.

Kong raised the upper part of his body with both his arms in either side of me for support to intently gaze at me.

His eyes pored over me - studying my certainty.

I dare not to look away. I wanted him to understand - being the gentleman as he is I know he was conflicted inside.

I gave him a reassuring smile.

I let my fingers gently trailed over his eyelids, to the bridge of his nose and used my thumb to brush his lips.

Desire and hunger sparkled on his pitch black eyes.

I can't believe how this person can be everything I need.

I want him to feel that I am looking at him.

Only at him.

He is enough - more than enough.

And I am grateful to be his.

So I want to give myself wholly to him.

Unable to resist it any longer - I met his head halfway to press his mouth against mine.

He was hesitant at first but it didn't last long for he pulled his lips closer impenetrably and rougher to mine.

His insisting tongue was trying to part my lips and I let him in.

Familiar sensation engulfed me. I felt drunk and high because of the feels he was giving me.

My fingers ran involuntary on his chest down to his crotch - trying to undo his jeans while he was pushing me down causing me to lie on my back again.

I had a hard time with his fly so I was becoming impatient.

I cupped his hardened length instead - only his jeans separating my hand to his.

I heard him groan in between our kisses as my hand caressed his and it grew harder with my touch. He bit my lower lip teasingly and he quickly stopped me by the wrist and pinned both my arms on top of my head.

"Don't touch me, " he said, breathing heavily. His nose nuzzling on mine. "I may not last. "

His eyes then ogled my body as I was helpless under him.

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