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Arthit's POV

I smiled back at him.

He pursed his lips and stared at me intently.

His eyes was filled with so much adoration. It was as if I was very precious in his eyes.

I was unable to look away. We stared at each other, no words were spoken but our heart and mind communicated.

His gaze darted down to my dry lips. I bit it for I felt embarrassed.

His hand move its way to my lips, brushing it with his thumb.

I just stared at him like I was on his spell.

Unable to do anything, I let him be.

When he slowly moved his head closer to mine, I knew he was going to kiss me again.

I knew but I couldn't stop him.

I knew but I wouldn't stop him.

I knew but I didn't want to stop him.

When his lips pressed to mine, it felt like our lips fitted like two puzzle pieces joined together.

His both hands cupped my cheeks, pressing me closer to him.

My mind kept telling me to pull away before I lose myself but I couldn't seem to.

How could I?

When a need inside me, that I wasn't aware of in the first place, was satisfied by it.

Filled by him.

Kong's lips to mine brought intoxicating sensation inside me.

We held the kiss for a few seconds before our lips began to move in perfect harmony, slowly and cautiously.

My body had been taken over by the feeling of euphoria combined with desire.

A desire for him.

I responded to his kisses. I responded until I ran out of breath.

It felt so damn good.

It seemed like it wouldn't be the same if it wasn't Kongpob.

I was disappointed when he pulled himself away.

But my heart was fluttered after it ended.

It was a kiss with a promise of much more to come.

We stared awkwardly into each others eyes.

I was probably as red as a beet right now because his gaze was seeping through me.

I can't believe what just happened.

What now?

When it all hit me, I lied down and I put my blanket over my face immediately.

What just happened?

Why did I not stop him?

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