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Arthit's POV

"What the fuck, Kong? I almost had a heart attack." I yelled.

"You going home?" he asked calmly, ignoring how perturbed I was.

I felt my heart rate doubled. "Yes, so if you please, let me go peacefully." I glared at him.

He sauntered towards me and grabbed my bag.

"Hey, what are you doing?" raising my brow, I asked. "Give me my bag," he was quick to take it out of my reach.

"I've thought of going home with you," his tone sounded more like a statement than asking.

"What's wrong with you?"

"We live in the same building,"


"It make sense if we go home together,"

"Well, it doesn't to me." still following his lead. "Now, if you please."

He did not respond and continued to walk briskly.

"Kongpob, Give me my bag, the others are waiting for me." I muttered between my teeth.

"Is that guy waiting for you too? "

"Who? " I wrinkled my brow.

I almost bumped into him when he suddenly stopped and looked at me intently. His eyes were trying to convey things I couldn't put into words.

I couldn't hold his gaze for long without my dream flashing in my mind. .

It makes me feel uneasy.

He ignored me. I need to get away from him, I reminded myself. "Okay, take my bag. Be sure to drop that at my place." I tested him. He might give up and give it to me instead. Then I walked back.

When I couldn't sense any movement from behind,  I looked back at him.

He was walking away. It made me really furious.

"Kongpob! " I growled, he did not even budge.

  I've gathered all my restraint in the body to stop myself from wringing his neck.  

He led me to the parking lot and took a key from his pocket -- a white sport sedan lit up."Go in," he said softly.

I strode towards the car. Not bad.

"This is yours?" I asked suspiciously.

"No, I stole it." he said casually.

"Then I don't want to be your partner in crime." I acted to walk away.

"Arthit, do I look like I steal cars?" he looked irritated and I am having a good time seeing him like that.

"Yes," I answered avoiding his gaze.

He sighed deeply said. "Let's go."

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