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My bad. I apologize for taking so long to update. Anyway, who watched Sotus S last night? Did you see that kiss? OMG!

Arthit's POV

"...Arthit, "

My heart was pounding so unbelievably fast.

It felt like I was in a game trying to do a buzzer-beater shot.

I saw him dropped his hand to his side and turned to look at me.

The fudge?

How did he find out?

I was unsure whether to stay or to go out from my hiding place.

I opted the latter.

I awkwardly walked out of the cubicle.

I couldn't look at him directly.

I was ashamed to be caught by him.

I bet my face might be red by now.

I need to recover myself from this embarrassment.

"I wasn't eavesdropping, " I strode towards him keeping my pace steady.

I stopped by the sink beside him and washed my hands.

"Uh huh, " he was obviously not buying it.

"I-I only heard t-the go-good bye part, " why was I explaining?

"If you say so, " I wanted to rip his mouth. The smile on it wasn't helping.

"I won't tell anybody that he is your boyfriend, like I care anyway. " I said. I made sure that my tone was calm.

He laughed out loud.

I loathe his smile.

His laughter.

And most especially him.

"What's funny? " I asked. I raised my brow.

"You, " he said plainly.

I glowered at him.

I need to leave now before I give in to the temptation of wringing his neck.

I started to walk out but I suddenly remembered something.

"Anyway, I heard Knot and Prem were scouting you to join our team. "

He looked slightly disoriented. "Ah, the basketball team? " he said.

I don't like how he was taking it lightly.

"Yes, " I responded coldly.

"What about it? "

"If you are really not interested, just turn them down. " I demanded.

He smirked. "Why? "

"Because we don't need someone who isn't passionate about it. We'd rather train someone who is into it than settle with you. " I told him directly.

His smirk turned into a mischievous smile.

I continued to walk past him. When I was a step away. I was surprised when he held my hand to cease me.

I shifted my gaze towards his hand on my shoulder then at him.

"Don't you recognize me? " he asked in a low tone. He tilted his head to look at me.

"Why? Am I supposed to know you? " I retorted.

The corner of his mouth twitched again. It gave an impression that he knew something I don't.

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