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Arthit's POV    

I woke up the next day feeling lightheaded.

I wasn't able to get enough sleep because my thoughts wouldn't let me.

There were lots of questions, I wasn't sure of the answers. 

Why I acted the way I acted last night? 

It was wrong yet it felt so right. 

I let him kissed me, twice. 

What is wrong with me? 

Last time I checked, I am in love with Sahit. 

Is it was now? 

I don't think about her that much recently. Moreover, it doesn't hurt thinking about my unrequited love. 

On the other hand,  Kong's confession last night overwhelmed me. 

Second guessing what he felt was one thing but knowing what he truly felt was something. 

It disturbed me inside. 

Do I like Kong? 




I shook my head.

I am a man.

For ef's sake. 

Then what is this I feel for Kong?  

Why does he affect me so much?

Why am I unconsciously concern about his opinion of me?



Is it...



Definitely not.

If I didn't I should have stopped him. 

It was just the right time and place to kiss. 

The situation called for it so I responded to his kisses. 

That's all there is to it. 

I am definitely just grateful of his kindness towards me.

Something inside me disagreed in my own conclusion.

Last night,  Kong and I hugged for I didn't know how long.

He didn't talk so do I. 

We let the silence of the night enveloped us.

It was so quiet that the only sound we heard was that of from our hearts - beating as one.

Prem and Bright arrived shortly after claiming they were sleepy.

Kong silently went out of our tent and I followed him with a glance.

I was up the entire night.

My thoughts were louder than my friends' snore, thinking about Kong and our situation at hand.

My mind was agonizing over a lot of things.

There were questions I couldn't even put into words for I know answers aren't easy to find.

"Are you okay? " coach asked me.  "You look pale. "

"Yeah, can I move to a different tent tonight? I don't think I'd be able to survive the night again with them. " I tried so hard to make it sound believable because I just couldn't tell the real reason.

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