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Arthit's POV

Kongpob was slowly closing the gap between us.

So slow that the anticipation is killing me.

His gentle stare was laden with so much desire.

His lips was trembling when it touched mine.

I didn't know how warm it was until it was pressed against my lips.

He gave me butterfly kisses.



Demanding for a response.

I deny him not.

I opened my mouth and moved in a perfect rhythm with his.

A soft groan escaped my mouth.

His tongue was playfully licking my lips as if forcing his way in my mouth.

When I gave him permission to, he took no time.

He charged in  like a hungry wolf.

He bit my  lips tenderly in-between kisses.

His pace went from slow to fast.

Savoring every corner of my mouth.

It sent a strong sensation all the way to my chest.

It blew my mind completely.

His hand at the back of my head slowly traced down my neck.

Every touch made me tremble in pleasure.

He broke the kiss but like a child deprived of his toys, I quickly chased after his lips but his hand was quick to keep me where I was.

He looked at me, an evil smile was on his lips when he shook his head slowly.

"Not so fast, baby" he whispered huskily.

I knew he was restraining himself.

He looked at me with pure longing and desire.

I was growing impatient.

He was deliberately tormenting me with anticipation.

I ached for him so bad that it drove me to push him on the wall.

He was caught off guard that he slightly lost his balance.

If he had qualms with me trying to control this, he's doing a poor job at showing it. His face was filled with so much gusto.

We held our gaze for long, we let our eyes talk.

Then in sync, like we can exactly what the other was thinking.

We hurriedly took off each other's shirt.  

Like we couldn't held the need for each other anymore.

And all the top we're on that preventing us to feel each other --- skin to skin.

We carelessly threw our shirts and shoes away.

And when were finally free from our clothing, we hurriedly grabbed each other for a kiss.

We promptly kiss each other -- urgency was in every move.

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