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I hate to see the end of SOTUS but I am very satisfied with it. I'm a huge sucker for happy endings. Guess, we'll have to wait for 2 moons season 2 to satisfy our fujoshi heart again. 

Arthit's POV

His hands on mine, gently holding it this time.

We held our gaze for I don't know how long.

Then I heard my heart thumped faster.

So fast and loud that I snapped out of being frozen.

"Hmm, you're right. " his hand still grasping mine and his eyes directed on my lips.

At that moment, I barely hear what he said.

My heart was beating as loud as his voice.

And I was trying to comprehend how his presence was affecting me.

My brain is telling me to quickly keep my distance but my body was rooted to where it was.

I saw how his Adam's apple moved up and down slowly.

I swallowed the food I was chewing.

You put yourself in that situation, Arthit. I mocked myself.

When I was able to completely go back to my senses, I awkwardly pulled my hand.

Fortunately, he lets me free from his grasp.

"Se-see? I-ii to-told ya," I stuttered. I need to pull myself together. I carried on eating as quickly as possible because I could not handle his stare anymore.

It was so intense that it disturbed every nerves in my body.

"So come on and eat. " He thought for a moment then strolled away he got his own plate and utensils. "When did you start cooking?" I asked, when he was seated on a stool next to mine.

"My mother taught me how to, a little."

"Just a little and you were that good already?"

"Don't patronize me," he chuckled. "I learned by watching and trying. It was tedious but eventually I became a little better."

I pouted. "You don't take compliments, huh. Do you always cook?"

"No. "

"So when do you cook?" I asked, without looking at him. I was still enjoying the food.

"I only cook for someone special."

I smirked. I can already see where he was leading the conversation so I went on eating.

He started to dig in too. 

Oftentimes, our arms brushed each other whenever we reached out for the bowl of Gaeng Daeng and rice.

He was very attentive at my needs while were were eating.

Like when I wanted to get more dish, he had put some on my plate.

When I needed a water, he poured some on my glass already.

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