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Kongpob's POV

I looked at the man on the bed.

He was sleeping soundly.

My heart did a somersault when he smiled in his sleep.

I was still wondering what was with this man that I tolerated him in bothering me this much.

It was like, the moment I laid my eyes on him, I was hypnotized.

I took a deep breath and shot him a glance.

He was laying on his stomach cozily.

Arms hugging the pillow on his head.

Remnants of what happened last night.

He looked so calm contrary to how vicious he was last night.

A flashback filled my mind.

I didn't know what has gotten into me but when I walked in the bar,  my eyes inadvertently landed on him.

It was as if I was meant to be looking at him.

He piqued my interest.

I glanced at this pale man crouching on the table and an odd force that was so much powerful than myself  moved me to him.

I slowly sauntered towards him.

He carried on drinking, careless of the people who were leacherously gazing at him.

I heard him muttering inaudible words to himself.

I sat on the other side of the counter parallel to him.

I have my eyes fixed at the bottle of tequila I ordered but my ears are on him.


I heard him uttered the name.

There was an agony in his tone.

He was in pain.

Who is she?

A lover perhaps?

Did they break up?

Or a fight maybe?

He must love her so much to be this miserable because of her.

I don't normally approach a stranger but I felt like I'm going to miss something if I don't.

If I do though, what am I going to tell him?

He looked like he wanted to be left alone.

I sighed sharply.

I fought hard the urge to come near him.

But to hell with it.

I couldn't stand it anymore.

I drank the shot of alcohol in my hand and sucked the lemon with the salt on it.

I sighed deeply to muster some courage.

I stood up and I brought the bottle of tequila with me.

Then I stepped towards him.

I did not plan to tease him but for lack of better words I went on goading him.

I thought he would ignore me but when he grabbed me by the collar, I was completely astounded.

"Yeah, how about we give it a try? " I saw his jaw flexed.

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