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Arthit's POV

My man.

My heart swelled with happiness.

It was so intense that it scares me.

I find myself having a hard time articulating an answer. I feel like I'm too overjoyed that words failed to describe it.

I fixated my eyes on him, his eyes was full of agony.

It saddened me, knowing I caused it.

How could I do that?

He might have grown impatient of me being speechless, the fear on his face was becoming more apparent.

Maybe he couldn't take it anymore, he slowly looked down - breaking our gaze.

I instantly put a finger on his chin and lifted his face up.

I stopped until his eyes paralleled to mine. We had a staring contest for a moment, I smiled at him and he heaved a long sigh of relief.

How could he be this so unbelievable?

Is he truly mine?

"I love you so dam-" he murmured.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him near me - cutting him in mid-sentence.

I slammed his lips to mine and snaked my arms around his neck. He was seemed startled at the beginning but he began to respond with equal intensity.

I deepened the kiss by tilting my head to have a better access of his lips. My arms around his neck started to pull back and trailed both side of his face for me to be able to pull his mouth closer to mine.

Our kiss was soft at first, nibbling each others lips gently but it was heightened as our kiss deepened.

I felt his arms around my waist drawing me closer to him.

With my lips on his, I feel his mouth stretching wider than it should, fighting between smiling and kissing.

I halted the kiss to breath for air and pushed his face enough for me to sniff his scent.

His eyes was closed, contentment warmed him from within for his face was calm and his lips curved into solemn sense of smile.

I saw him slowly opened his eyes, it was sparkling.

The weight lifted from my soul seeing that spark.

We looked at each other for a moment  and I felt his hand touched my cheek. He caressed it delightfully.

I leaned to it to savour his touch and I put my hands over his - squeezing it gently.

His thumb traced my lips and with it - I felt the tingling sensation in my stomach.

With his touch and it was over for me, all the logic left in my brain were shut down and my animal self has risen.

If this is a spur of the moment decision, all I could do is go along with my heart and I know I won't regret every single moment of this.

I grabbed his belt and dragged him inside his room. He was taken aback but he managed to keep himself steady.

When we reach inside, I push him lightly causing him to lean on the glass door he just closed.

I need him.

I never felt this kind of urgency of needing someone.

"Wha-" I kissed him to abruptly stop him.

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