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Arthit's POV

Friday Afternoon - The Camping

I was currently overlooking the attendance of everybody so I have to roam around.

I stopped by at some small groups for a little chitchat.

Everybody was in high spirits while waiting for our departure time.

It was funny how the freshmen dress themselves up. They look like they are going on a sightseeing instead of a training. They never know what was coming with them.

"Have you brought any casual clothes with you? " I asked them. "We'll get dirty,  you know. "

Their faces turned sour but nodded at the same time.

My gaze shifted to the senior's group, I could see how they were provoking Bright.

He has  a colorful lifebuoy around his neck, he was still hoping that coach will change his mind and go to the beach instead.

Prem, being as equally naughty as Bright as he is, and Knot, being in the mood to play along with them, were bullying him on the side. Not to mention, Teet and Vin who were enjoying what they were seeing.

"Man, what are you gonna do with that in the mountain?" Prem teased.

"Coach might change his mind and decide to go to the beach. You never know." he spoke loudly letting coach hear it.

Coach within earshot was beyond caring, he was deliberately ignoring him.

"Not happening, Bright. You better deflate that now." Prem tried to snatch it from him.

"Don't!" he warned. "if you drown. Don't ever ask for this." he replied childishly.

"I don't see any need for a lifebuoy in the mountain, so not happening."  he taunted.

"Is everyone here, captain?" he asked, while moving his way towards us.

The others greeted him. "Hi! coach."

"What a lovely thing you've got there around your neck, Bright" sarcasm was all over his face and tone.

"I know right,  Coach. This was meant to make you feel guilty. "

The coach touch his chest. "Well, I was told I am very insensitive. " he deliberately pause. "You gotta do better than that. " he teased.

Everyone in the group vexed Bright, the latter just acted hurt. "Coach, it's never too late to change your mind. Who knows your Ms. Right is waiting in her bikinis by the beach?" he smiled sheepishly. 

I shook my head and  checked the list of players in the paper in my hand to answer his question, "Kongpob and M aren't here yet coach."

"They're on the way. " he said. "Who else?" 

"Just them,"

"Why is Kongpob always late?" I heard Knot asked, I was unsure if he was being serious since I wasn't looking at him. His tone wasn't giving off anything. I pretended to be busy but my ears was on them.

I can understand where he was coming from. Kong was often late during practice this week. It was due to his academic responsibilities. Coach and I, as a captain, were aware of it but they aren't.

"Maybe he was deliberately doing that - being fashionably late to look cool?" Prem joked.

"Or maybe because he thinks he's good enough to be always on time?" added Bright.

"Or he thinks that there's no practice interesting enough to be on time? " Teet added.

"KONG IS NOT LIKE THAT!" I shouted loud enough for everyone to hear. I was surprised at how loud it was.

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