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After reading your comments last night, all these scenarios flashed in my mind before I knew it I already have three drafts and I am posting one today. Thank you and enjoy.

Arthit's POV


Was she the same Chon, M mentioned last night?

The future he wanted?

The one he said was nothing?

Yet,  his smile is telling me differently.

If she's really nothing,  why do you smile like that?

I was on my feet before I knew it.

"Kong! I missed you. " she hugged him even tighter.

I furrowed my brow.

"Cho-chon, what are you doing here? " he asked.

She broke the hugged and darted his gaze at us. She shyly distance himself from Kong.

"Sorry, "

"It's fine,  why Kong always get the pretty girls? " Bright said, shoving me away. "Are you Kongpob's girlfriend? "

She just smiled at Bright, she wasn't confirming nor denying it.

I didn't want to look at Kong because I felt like I am going to erupt with anger anytime.

I know I don't have the right but he told me she was nothing.


And he said..

He's mine.

"You're pretty, our Kongpob here must have treated you well. " I kept my eyes fixed at her.

"Yes, Kongpob's always nice to me, " she answered.

"Really? " I raised my brow and finally  turned to Kong. "I didn't know that. " I glowered at him.

I heard the others laughed.

Unaware of the tension in the air.

"Is he chasing after someone here? " she asked. I almost choked.

"None that I know of. Don't worry, we will be your eyes. We make sure he behaves well. " Vin said.

She smiled. "I'm Chon, I believe you are his teammates? " she referred to everyone. 

"Yes,  ma'am. " they all said in sync.

"Arthit,  come here for a minute. " coach yelled.

I walked towards him without giving anybody a glance.

I was with coach but my mind was with Kong and that woman.

She is pretty.

No wonder,  Kong likes him.

It somewhat felt like my heart was being torn.

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