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Arthit's POV

This man has always his creative ways to get on my nerves.

I raised my brow as high as I can and clenched my jaw. "How do you think buying a new one would have my number in it?"

"Ah that, " he grinned from ear to ear. "Well, how about you start by giving me your number, then?"

He extended his hand towards me with his phone on it.

My mouth twisted into a humorless grin.

"Wow, just wow Kongpob." I wasn't sure if I should be amused or what.

"So?" he asked.

I shook my head then smirked sardonically.

I zipped my bag then headed towards the door.

"Oh come on, Arthit! " walking backwards slowly beside me, he chased after me.

"Nope, " then quickened my pace to leave him behind.

I heard my stomach growling.

I sauntered towards Knot who was at the corner of the court fiddling on his phone. "Let's go and eat, " I suggested.

We found ourselves in the school cafeteria.

Prem and Bright tagged along with some of our teammates.

"Is this captain's treat?" asked Vin, one of our teammates.

Teet put his hand over Vin's neck. "Definitely."

The others shook their head up and down in agreement.

"Why would I treat you?"

"To celebrate," Prem.

"For losing," added Bright.

My so-called friends just added insult to my injury.

What a lucky person I am having all these people as my so-called friends?

"Okay, okay." I raised my hand. "Feel free to order and pay for yourself." I gave them a gummy smile.

Then I headed first to the counter.

I heard them ranted simultaneously while they stomped towards my way.

"Knot, knock knock." Bright cheerfully said.

Here he is again, with his relentless antics.

We were now seated and starting to dig in on our meal.

Knot just went on eating, paying no heed to him.

"Knot!!!" Bright yelled.

It made me smirk.

"Can you not be more troublesome than this?"

"'Who's there' that's how you're supposed to answer it." he demanded.

"Who's there?" giving in. He knew he won't stop unless he's being paid attention to.

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