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Arthit's POV

I was awaken by my growling stomach.

I tossed and turned to sleep last night due to the note Kong left me.

It felt like a deja vu but whenever I tried to think more about it, the more I find myself on a dead end.

Was it just my imagination?

I opened one of my eyes to check  the time. 

11:30 am.

It was a Sunday morning.

If I can hibernate for the whole day, I would.

But my stomach won't let me.

I lazily dragged myself out of the bed and went to my kitchen.

I tried to scavenge for food.

I left no stone unturned in my kitchen but it was unfruitful.

I heard my stomach rumbling again.

I went back to my bed to get my wallet and my key.

I never bothered to fix myself since I know everybody, if not back to their hometown, they are probably inside their caves.

And I just don't care at all.

I'm thinking of eating at the cafeteria downstairs.

Half asleep.

 I walk towards the elevator.  

I was already meaning to eat Gaeng Daeng.

I can already imagine the taste of it in my mouth that it makes me drool.


The elevator opened.

I sidestepped to give space to someone but I did not look up to see who it was.

Heck, all I care at the moment is my stomach.


The elevator opened again.

I sauntered towards the cafeteria excitedly.

Gaeng Daeng, here I come.

I thought.

When I reached the place, it was closed.

Of all time, why now?

Where should I eat?

There are restaurants nearby but they are two to three blocks away.

Moreover, I am only wearing my boxer and a loose sleeveless shirt.

I sighed in disappointment.

I guess I have to go back and change.

My stomach won't let me put me at rest so might as well satisfy it first.

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