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Kongpob’s POV

“Where are you?”

Bench by the Engineering building. – Arthit

I cheerfully walked my way to the place he mentioned. Being an incoming senior, their schedules are tighter than us so I always squeeze myself in it. And if he has qualms in it, he's definitely doing a poor job at showing for he never refused.

When I arrived, I saw him surrounded by the seniors.

“I knew it was you guys, I was just pulling your leg.” Arthit said, he was stuttering.

I wondered what these seniors are up to again. When they are together they always bully each other.

Judging by the way they are ganging up on him, Arthit might be the chosen subject for bullying today.

“Nah, don’t change the topic, “ Prem.

"Why would I date though? I am in love with Sahit and there's no way I can easily move on. "

I froze and went to a strong state of disbelief. My heart felt like it was gripped and squeezed into shreds.

I struggled to hold it together.

There’s no way I can easily move on.

If I could only look past it.

If only I could ignore the pain.

If only I could unheard it.

But my mind was playing on me for it kept on repeating like it was put on never-ending loop.

I know, if there is one person I couldn’t compete with, it’s Sahit.

If there’s one person I’m extremely jealous with, it’s her.

When I started to pursue him, I wasn’t certain if he has utterly forgotten about her but I just can’t wait until he does.

I chased him knowing he has someone in his heart and with the intention of replacing her in it.

I thought things were looking up between us but I guess I thought wrong.

I thought I could finally have his heart with me - alone in it.

He spoke about being in love with her like he was so proud of it.

It was easier for him to say it than just deny it.

How could I not be jealous of her?

She was the reason he got drunk that night. It was her name he murmured in my ear while he was kissing me.

She was her first love. Like they said, first love is a memory forever etched into our heart. I may not know how intense Arthit’s love for Sahit then but she was the first person that made him feeling things he never thought he was capable of feeling toward anyone.

If only I could change it, I would but I know I couldn’t.

“Kong, help us interrogate Arthit. He has a secret lover. “

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