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Arthit's POV

Since Kong and I got together, everything felt right. 

Waking up in the morning was something to look forward to.

There were times that I caught myself smiling for no reason at all.

It seemed easier to smile these days.

The world feels lighter. There's color everywhere.


The love he showed me was patient and caring no matter what.

It was a new thing to me because I am used to giving love but not being poured by it.

He would laugh at my grumpiness and understands me when I am not in the mood.

It felt like me and him, we're born to twinkle together.

Kong spoils me too much. He showered me with his love without expecting anything from me.

Whenever Kong's around, my insides feels fizzy and I am uncontrollably blushing whenever he looks at me.

His lame pick up lines make my day brighter, despite me showing him how displeased I am about it.

Is this love?

It's scary. 

It's irritating at times.

It makes you so dependent.

But even if so, I never would have wanted anything else.

I think being strong is not about the absence of fear but it's about despite having fear, you opted to go for what you want.

I want to be stronger for him - strong enough to risk everything for us.

Lovesick. Half smiling, half frowning.  I thought.

Our day went by on that week, he still wait for me after practice and either we go back home or we drop by somewhere to have our dinner before heading back home.

It became our routine. If he was caught up with something, he handed me his car keys and let me wait for him in the car. He never wants me to go home alone. And I never want to either.

I am not being clingy, I am just used to having him around. I sometimes asked myself how I managed to take care of myself all this time.

He wants to do lots of things together, like eating lunch, dinner,  picking me up in the morning and so on. Whenever I ask him to not make too much effort, he just shrugged and ignore my request.

I love him - have no doubt about it. It's just that I don't show it that much cause I am afraid he'll get tired of me.

The date

I arrived early because  I had to do some errands in the morning. The mall was already crowded with families enjoying their family day.

It's a Sunday, so it was expected.

I texted him that I was by the coffee shop.

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