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Arthit's POV..

His attention turned to Knot when the latter patted him on his shoulder.

I hate that smile.

It seemed their conversation came to an end when he nodded and left the two.

"Who was that? " Bright voiced out what was on my mind.

I shrugged my shoulder as my response to his question.

Knot and Prem looked around, I saw Bright waved at them as a signal. Then they walked up towards us.

"Were you bullying that freshman? " during this time Bright's non stop mouth comes handy.

I was curious about the guy too but I don't want to ask them myself.

"We were convincing him to try out this Saturday. " Knot casually answered.

"We shouldn't convince people to join us,  our team is strong enough for players to want to join us eagerly. " I said,  I was a little annoyed.

There were long lines of basketball players in the university wanting to join the team but we were very picky. We wanted the best player,  after all we have a reputation to maintain and a championship to keep.

"Trust me on this one, he is good. I've seen him play and he will be perfect for our team. " Knot said, he sounded very convinced to have that guy to join us.

"Why is that? " I asked. I trust Knot's judgement when it comes to scouting players. I just hate how much effort he put in to convince me.

Was he really that good? Tsk. I discarded the idea.

"He was the MVP for two consecutive years when he was in high school. He became their team's captain when he was a junior. Moreover, he was famous for bringing his school into finals since he joined the team."

He doesn't look like it. "Basketball is a team effort,  it can't be done by him alone. "I snorted. "Anyway, we will see on Saturday if he can walk the talk, " I said to end the conversation.

"The thing is," Prem paused in suspense. "He doesn't want to play anymore. " he continued.

"He turned down the scholarship given to him by BKK university," Knot added. BKK university is the two-time champion in the nationals.

It made my blood boil. "If he does not want to then let's not force him. " I replied. "We don't need a reluctant player. "

"I'll find a way to get him join the team, " Knot said firmly. "Most of our seniors won't be playing anymore because of their internship so we need people, Arthit. "

"Do as you wish just don't get me involved. " I said. "Let's eat,  I'm famished that I could eat you all alive. " I joked.

They all laughed. We stood up and headed to the counter.

I heard some women greeted me but I refused to acknowledge them.

"Hello, Arthit." I heard Bright mimicked them in an exaggerated manner.

I punched his shoulder lightly then laughed.

I don't want to be rude but the problem with it was once you acted nice to one, everybody expected you to be nice to them as well.

It's easier for me to wear a poker face all the time than to wear a nice one.

I unwittingly turned my gaze to the guy we were talking about.

He led himself to a table where a woman was sitting.

He smiled from ear to ear upon seeing her.

He smiled so bright that if it was directed at you,  you couldn't help but smile as well.

Bright smile? Why do I feel like this wasn't the first time for me to think of that?

Women, who were looking at him earlier, wore a disappointed look.

A man with a face like that wouldn't stay single for sure.

I couldn't help but be disappointed as well.

Why? I asked myself but ignored the thought eventually.

"Oi, " I snapped out from my thought when Prem called for my attention.

"What? " I snorted.

"She was asking you about what drink would you like to have. " he said. "You are spacing out, "

"He has been like that since this morning, " I heard Bright whispered to him.

"Let him be,  he's still mending a broken heart. "

I told them about Sahit when I asked them to drink with me when they came back from their hometown.

"Not really, " I responded bitterly. "Strawberry milk, please. " I told the woman.

I finished my lunch at once.

I excused myself. "Call of nature, " I left them hurriedly.

While I was relieving myself,  I heard two people coming in.

"Kong,  why aren't you joining? " a guy asked.

"I just lost my interest, " someone named Kong responded.

"When you play basketball again,  I am pretty sure you'll have your enthusiasm back. "

"I don't know, " Kong said. "Are you going to try-out? "

"Of course, "

"Good luck, I'll support you all the way. "

"Awww, you're a sweet,  boyfriend. " I heard the other guy said. He said in a woman's voice.

I slightly opened the door of my cubicle.

It was the guy Knot and Prem were talking to earlier.

I furrowed my brows.

I saw him shook his head and elbowed his company with a smile on his face.

"Ah,  Kong. I need to go ahead. "

"Ai,  you're leaving your boyfriend behind? " there was a tone of humor in his voice.

They laughed in sync. "Yes, I promised to meet May. What about you? " he looked at his watch.

"Okay, okay. I'll stay behind,  I'm not done yet. " Kong said dismissively.

Why am I hiding myself and eavesdropping?

Because it was awkward to go out?

"Meet me tonight, darling. " I heard M said then walked out while swaying his hips.

Kong was left laughing while shaking his head.

I continued to peek at him through the small space of a slightly ajar door.

When M was nowhere in sight. His expression changed abruptly, he pursed his lips for a while then the corner of his mouth perked up.

He was donning a clever smile. "You can go out now. " he said while looking at the mirror fixing his hair.

My chin dropped in awe and I was frozen.

He wasn't referring to me right?

I hope so.

He didn't notice me eavesdropping, right?



I kept on convincing myself.

"...Arthit, " he said.

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