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Arthit's POV

He caught me off guard.

When will I ever get used to his antics?

"Kongpob! " I shouted.

He didn't budge and walked out.

"You aren't fighting, are we? " Knot asked from a distance.

I refused to turn to him for I am sure he'll see me blushing.

"No, " I answered and waved them goodbye, refusing to give them further answer.

I saw him leaning untroubled by his car, his arms crossed in his chest. He seemed to be waiting for me.

I'm speechless. While I was having a hard time pacifying myself, there he was acting cool like he has never said anything worth fussing.

He looked up to me when he sensed me coming. I gave him a smug look while he gave me his widest smile.

"Enjoying yourself, aren't we? " I mocked.

He closed his mouth and feigned ignorant. He looked to be tired.

"Can you drive? " instead he asked.

"My driving skill is alright. Why?  Are you okay? " worried, I queried.

He seemed to be feeling a little under the weather. I didn't notice it this morning because he was sulking on our way to school.

"Yeah, just sleepy. "

I inquisitively look at him and raised my brow.

Why would he be sleepy when we slept at the same time last night?

"What? " he asked. "I couldn't help watching you sleep all night. "

He said in a tone like it was ridiculous for me to even ask.

I rolled my eyes.

"Does it still hurt? " I knew he was referring to it. The concern was written all over his face.

I didn't want to worry him. "Not much anymore. "

He smiled from ear to ear while leaning closer to whisper, "then,  can we do it again tonight? "

I feel like all my blood went up to my head and the hair at the back of my hair stood.

"Tonight, my ass. " I countered.

"I see. Tomorrow, then? " he insisted.

"Get lost, " I muttered between my teeth and snatched the key from his grasp and get on the driver seat.

I waited for him to get on before revving the car up. I haven't driven in a while so I was a little edgy.

Moreover, I am not really confident but I'm pretty sure I'll get by.

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