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Arthit's POV

"Where are you? " - Arthit.

Seen - Kong

"WHERE ARE YOU?!!! " - Arthit

Kong left I couldn't remember when exactly, all I knew was the cold side of my bed wasn't sitting well with me. Tonight was one of those nights where Kong invited himself to sleep over at my place,  which I made no effort to oppose, but he went out while I was in the shower, leaving me with nothing but 'I'll be back'.

I am in my bed at the moment, growing impatient so I decided to send him a message - only to be seen by him.

After we had our relationship out in the open, the first few days were hell. There were endless teasing and questions of how did it happen and sort. Everyone gnawed us, it was very awkward at the beginning but we eventually got ourselves around it and gave them no mind. Gradually, the teasing subsided but of course Bright would always there to taunt them from time to time. He never let us at rest but Kong and I learned to go along and sometimes give them something to taunt us.

Like that time when they were in the field, the team had to do laps, when the rain poured and buildings were too far that giving it a go for run would be pointless. We stayed to play under the rain instead and when we got tired, everyone laid their body on the ground except Kong and I - who sat side by side, hugging our knees facing the rest while the others bickered as they were on their backs.

Voices were laced with fatigue - a moment of silence came after, which was cut by Kong's at once.

"This is sweet, " his voice laden with mischief, he mumbled.

I stared at him, "What is? " baffled, I voiced out slightly quivering due to the cold droplets of water against my skin. Heads turned to us subtly - waiting for Kong to answer. The latter took his time as if chaffing the others in anticipation.

"Us, kissing under the rain. " he responded, almost a whisper but enough for everybody's earshot.

Narroed eyes and knitted brows, I asked. "Have we? "

"Aww, we haven't? " his tone was as if the question came as a bolt from the blue - eyes on stalks. If he was under the pretense, only him could tell.

"No, we haven--" his lips grazed against my shaking lips, cutting me short. It was cold yet it tastes the same with the little saltiness of the rain- my body was slowly engulfed in the warmth of it. Blood rushing in every direction through my body- my heart beats abnormally fast and loud. Others hooted cheerfully but they were quickly tuned out. He smiled against my lips before withdrawing his head, I caught the faint glow of his naughty smile as it brightened his face.

Kong's smiled widened even more when I caught his glance. "Now, that's sweet. "

My cheeks had burned hot as I buried my face on my knees. The sight of me embarrassed, egged them on,  it's their drug.  The team simultaneously  hailed in delight and teased us non stop again. Kong just did well at goading them and he kept getting better at catching me off-guard. 

"I'm at the convenience store, why? " - Kong

A message from him snapped me out from my thoughts and it brought a smile on my face.

"Are you going to take long? When will you be back? - Arthit" I quickly typed and sent my response.

"I'll be there in a few, " - Kong I was glad for his quick reply.

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