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Arthit's POV

What happened?

He was at a stand still.

Is he alright?

Did he injure himself?

We were few steps away so I sauntered back to his direction.  "Something's wrong?" panting, I asked.

I was somewhat alarmed.

I was about to come closer when he budged and turned to me.

"Arthit, play fair. " he said, he seemed back to normal.

I sighed long and deep. 

I was still trying to steady my breathing.

"What?" I was bewildered and at the same time my blood boiled.

"Don't use your charm on me" he said impishly. 

My eyes squinted.  

It was useless worrying for this idiot.

Keep your  head cool, Arthit.

How could he still think of other things other than the game?

"Kongpob, focus!. Will you? " I muttered between my teeth.

"What can I do if you smile like that?" he sounded frustrated.

I threw the ball at him.

Ignoring what he just said.

He began dribbling.

  He stepped towards me, "I'm sorry but I need to win this." he said, certainty was on his tone.  "I need to bag that prize,"

Dribbling and trying to escape me. "You wish, I won't make it easy for you," I snickered.

Truth is, guarding him appeared to be difficult.

He was like everywhere.

He can run from corner to corner swiftly.

It led the person defending him to exhaustion.

His agility is no joke.

On the other hand, I felt at ease knowing he was fine.

He swept a glance at the scoreboard.

27 – 29

I got a two-point  lead.

"The game is not over till it's over, baby!"

I smiled broadly at him to show him I wasn't affected by his teasing.

There are only 15 seconds left, his ball.

He has the chance to tie it or go for the win.

I won't let him.

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