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Arthit's POV

The next day, I woke up flinching in pain. My hips felt like it was being torn apart.

But despite of it, I insisted to go to school.

"Are you sure? " Kong persistently inquired.

"Kong, how many times do you have to ask? " I irritatingly queried back.

He was adamant at telling me to stay but I have a deadline to meet, a report  to make and a meeting with my groupmates regarding the presentation we will do by the end of the week. Not to mention, coach told me to meet him after practice. I just couldn't afford to skip school today.

He was backing the car to park in our school's parking lot after driving around for quite a while finding a space.

My eyes caught a glimpse of him - though he tried to appear calm, his breathing was ragged.

His tie was hanging loosely on his neck and his sleeves carelessly folded to his elbow. His hair down, covering his forehead. He doesn't usually don his hair like this. I prefer it anyway. I feel like running my fingers on it.

"You can barely walk, " he muttered between his teeth. He stopped the engine and I had it as a cue to get our belongings at the backseat.

I blushed and glowered at him. "First, don't be absurd. Second, don't flatter yourself Kong! " I handed him his bag and he took it.

"I am not being absurd, " he tried to fix his tie but to no avail. He gave up frustratingly and let it stay that way.

His face was laden with worries and exasperation. I know if he can have his way with me he'll drive me home this instant.

In spite of his unwillingness to let me go, he still let me have the last say. He never forced me to do anything I don't want and let me decide on matters in regards to me but he lets me decide on him.

He persistently vexed me not to but helped me prepare anyway.

When I got out of the shower, I had my uniform neatly laid out on his bed while he was preparing our breakfast.

I didn't know how he managed to get me one but he has my spare key to my room so he must have gone there.

When I went to the kitchen, he was still voicing his displeasure but he was ushering me to sit and eat my breakfast.

I smiled at the thought.

He drove me to school even his class was still later than mine.

My heart was so overwhelmed. His actions were contrary to his words and I find it amusing.

Watching him sporting a darkened expression, his lips narrowed and thin and his jaw clenched were all entertaining.

I heard the car door clicked open and he was about to open it to alight when I ceased him.

I felt uneasy with him being like this.

I breathe deeply.

"Come here, " he gave me a curious stare. I gently grabbed him by his tie and pulled him close to me.

"I'm fine really, " I can feel his gaze at me and his breathing steady on my face- I fixed his tie.

Satisfied, I looked up to him. Our eyes met, I noticed the line on his forehead. I raised my hand to straighten it.

"What building are you in later before lunch? "

He was still eyeing me,"ComLab, " the building's name, he answered. "Why? " pouting, he asked.

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