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Arthit's POV

Kong's breathing against my neck tickles but I still pull him closer to me.

We didn't fill the silence, we were content simply knowing we are next to each other.

After a while, he moved to get off on top of me. I wrapped him tightly instinctively.

"Where are you going? " I wryly aaked.

"I'm heavy, I don't want you uncomfortable." he wiggled slightly to get off.

"Stay, I'm fine. " I faintly said.

"Are you sure? " worried he looked up and asked.

"Hmm, I prefer you there. " I barely answered.

"Come again? " by the way his eyes sparked, I knew he heard it clearly.

I rolled my eyes and I pushed his head back at the crook of my neck.

He chuckled softly and it made me feel good. It felt like a lifetime since I last heard him laugh. He lifted his head and brushed his nose against my cheek. He gave me feather kisses.

I looked away trying to hide my blushing face.

"How much do you love me? " he playfully asked.

I rolled my eyes and he let out a soft laugh.


"Hmm? "

"I love you so very damn much. " his warmth breath as he spoke the word was giving me strange sensation.

I wrapped my arms around his and savour this moment with him. "That's a lot of superlatives, " I coldly commented, refusing to show him my smile.

I felt his lips curved into a smile against my neck.

That comfortable silence enveloped us again.

"Am I heavy? " he asked after a while.

"Yes, " I joked.

"Do you want me to get off now? "

"Do you want to get off? "

"No," he answered.

"Then don't, " I said, I couldn't help but smirk. "that's where you belong anyway. " I nonchalantly said. "in my arms. " I whispered.

He pulled my face towards him. "Don't make me too happy, I might die. " he said.

"Ha? "

"Your words-" he stopped. "Argh! you can't leave me okay? "

You are the one who gets a lot of confessions so there's more chance of you leaving me anyway.

"Promise? "

"Yeah, " I answered.

Happy with what he heard, he stood up and I felt my arms were empty.

This is crazy.

He went back with a basin and a towel.

"Spread your legs, " he ordered, it was said in a casual tone yet it sounded erotic to me.

I must be becoming perverted.

"I'm not your slut to spread it just because you say so, " I snorted whilst raising my brow.

"Why can't you just do as I say every once in while? "

"Because there's joy in going against you, " I answered quickly. A pissed off Kong never fail to amuse me because he always tries his best not to but his expressions tell me otherwise.

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