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Arthit's POV

"Kongpob, back off! " I snarled at him.

Then in heavy long strides,  I walked out.

Why do I have to bump into him here?

Of all time, why now?

I was glad that he hasn't insisted on following me because I am not sure what I could do anymore.

I exhaled the air that I didn't know I was holding.

But deep inside me, the guilt was eating me.

Aside from his annoying remarks, he was nothing but nice to me.

It seemed like I was being unfair to him.

I know it wasn't his fault that I had a wet dream about him last night but I couldn't help to think that all his teasing led me to it.

He was constantly taunting me that I was unconsciously keeping it at the back of my mind.

Yes, that must be it.

It must be the reason why I dreamt of him.

I made a resolution to stay as far away as possible from him.

He should stop with his playfulness with me. 

I knew he was just playing around and it was very unfortunate for me to be opted as his subject.

I have to keep my distance from him.

"Kids, kids.." coach Tim shouted. 

After running away earlier this morning from Kongpob. I went back to my room and prepared for school and practice.

My class wasn't until 11 but staying in my room would be a bad option.

It will just remind me of my dream.

I was absentmindedly doing everything the whole day that I was surprised to find myself in the gym, in a meeting after a practice.

"I have an announcement to make," our team coach stated.

 I snapped out from the bottomless pit of my thoughts when I heard Coach's voice. 

I sighed deeply.

"You're getting married?" I heard Prem asked, I averted my attention at him. Coach Tim is a 35 year-old man and not yet married.

"I don't have someone to stand as the bride yet." he answered. "so the answer is no." he added.

"I can set you up, coach." Bright volunteered in his usual cheerfulness. 

"If it's you, I'd rather not." coach joked. "I don't trust your choices, Bright."

Everybody taunted Bright that it causes him to shut up while pouting his lips and making faces.

Coach's mouth curled into a sly smile. "As I was saying..."

"Don't tell me you knock up someone?" Trust Bright to always come up with something.

"No, Bright."

Vin elbowed Bright. "Let him finish, will you?" while laughing softly.

I shook my head while grinning.

Our new teammates can't help but laugh at them. When my gaze landed at M, I couldn't help but remember Kongpob in him.

I shook my head, don't wander that far. I warned myself.

"We are going on a team outing," coach Tim said.

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