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Kongpob's POV

Arthit's chocolate brown eyes slowly closed. As his consciousness ebbed, I mused.

While his sweet face laid against the pillow inches away from mine, I watched his chest rise and fall. He breathes softly in my face. I felt sleep was coming over me but I fought the urge to. I spurned to let this opportunity to watch him in his defenseless hours. 

I downright recall the first time we spent the night together, I realized he was a restless sleeper.. He moved around so often that I ended up keeping him steady and nuzzled him near me until he fell into a deep slumber in my arms. 

I used to think that I'd have to fight sleep and fight with everything I have whenever he was this close just to watch him sleep. But now I only have to fight the itch to trace his lips with my finger and kiss him senseless until he forgets sleeping entirely.

When we've became official, he turned into my everything. My world suddenly starts and ends with him. 

I could't stop thinking about him. So it never mattered if I was free or not, I'd make way to squeeze myself in his busy schedules in-between classes. I didn't know how he managed to dominate my thoughts but he did and he did it effortlessly. And to be honest, I am freaking scared but my fear was hushed instantly because it was nothing compared to how much Arthit meant to me.

He would rather die than admit that he wanted to be taken cared of, so I do it anyway.

He is lazy that he would rather starve himself than get up and eat. So when I couldn't cook for him, I would order him breakfast or else he'd ignore it altogether.

He was grumpy at times and complained often so when he gave compliments, my heart welled up with joy for I know it was hard to come by. 

I smile when he smiles in his sleep and I dared hope I was the reason behind it. The way he furrowed his brows were too adorable, I couldn’t help but stole kisses which won’t be told and I wouldn't dare confess for God knows he would say I'm creepy with his eyes rolling. I watched the way his eyelids skittered through his dreams. Arthit, indeed, has become my habit. My favorite kind of habit.

My face burned as he prowled closer and swaddled his arms around my waist unconsciously.

If I was doubtful before, now I felt loved by him. When I failed to check on him in the morning for he had beat me from getting up early, he would call me. My random excuses to spend lunch, breakfast and dinner with him didn't add up but he believed them anyway. We haven't pointed it out but we had develop this unspoken rule to see each other every day and he drops by my place when I couldn't, spitting lame excuses but wanting to see me.

Arthit has a loving heart despite to what he wants others to believe of him. I don't care about others not knowing or what they are going to say about us if they find out. I'll always love him and stay by his side.

Words may fail us but I knew our hearts communicated well enough to fathom each other's loving glances and body gestures.

I gave in and tilted to press myself lightly to his soft, red lips.

He opened his eyes and stared at me in confusion, blinking. Busted. I thought, "Do you often assault me like this in my sleep?" he asked in his half awake state.

My lips curled up,"Nope, just today." Lie.

He rolled his eyes and made face. I knew it. My grin grew even wider.

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