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Arthit's POV

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head.


I tried to open my eyes but closed it back at once.

My head ached and it's killing me.

The sun rays were directly hitting me on my face.

It wasn't helping me any better.

It was blinding me.

I wanted to stay in bed when I realized something.


Sun rays?

As far as I know, my room wasn't directly hit by the morning sun even in the afternoon.

I opened my eyes.

I blinked several times for my eyes to get used to the sunlight.

This isn't my room.

Where on earth am I?

I quickly got up but it wasn't a good idea because my head aches even more.


Damn this hangover.

I will never drink ever again.

I swore to myself.

I scanned the room and I saw my clothes neatly folded on the side table.

Beside it was a small white plastic bag with the word "Pharmacy " on it and a glass of water.

I looked at myself.

Why the hell am I only wearing a boxer?

I checked myself once again.

My eyes wasn't deceiving me, I was indeed wearing a boxer.

I can't even remember owning a boxer with an open red lips of a woman print on it.

I looked at it once again.

What the fudge happened last night?

I tried to remember everything that happened last night.

The bar.

Bottles of beer.

The guy.

Yes, the guy.

I wrinkled my brow.

"I'm also great in bed, " I remembered him say.

Did we do it?


I tried remembering what happened next.

I was completely taken aback.

But surprisingly, I was aroused at what he said.

The way he uttered the words sent shivers in my spine.

He was very seductive.

Maybe, it was the alcohol I drank but instead of feeling disgust.

I got stirred up.

I drank on my bottle again without breaking my gaze at him.

He was staring at me too, while smiling sexily.

"Yeah? " I asked.

"Yeah, " he said pulling his head away.

I smirked at him.

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